Been 2 months since break up, ex still hates me?

It has been two months since I broke up with my boyfriend, our relationship was for a year and 10 months. I contacted him and asked if I could talk to him and he said he didn’t care? When do I start contacting him again? How long do I do no contact for?

why did you break up? need to know the reason?

He broke up with me I think he just lost feelings for me and he wanted to have some freedom from me. He said he was more stress free without me and his life’s better without a girl? I got quite rude to him too and said mean things to him but he does it to me all the time I just wanted to show him how it feels. He also said I’m too childish for him and I don’t “listen enough” and he doesn’t want to marry a girl who doesn’t listen to him?

maybe you didnt show him enough of your love that he wanted to feel… try to send him messages with your feelings for him… show him that you really love him… hope it helps…