Ok so it’s been 2.5 months i did the nc in the begining for about a month , at thah time I found out she moved on to a co worker of hers . She sent me few texts early may I stayed nc wth her thinking her dates were just bs to get me mad. A month after our breakup I found out she did indeed make tbis new guy her bf. we have had many short breakups over the course of our five year relationship . But were always true to each other and always got back together with in week or two max . We have a family together but did not live together but I spent almost all my time at her place with my two boys and her daughter . Long story short she has admitted I was her first true love and she will always love me and thah I pop in her head often. For awhile she was texting me daily asking how I’m feeling how I am and what am I up to. She even recently asked me to watch a movie with her and her daughter. The night I did choose to go thinking mahbe we are gonna talk . Ended up talking about her bf and the fight they had and her confused thoughts regarding she doesn’t know what she is doin. She said " the guy is perfect and is doin eveytbing I want but the problem is it everything I wanted with u " since thah night she has sent a few songs at night to me (love songs ) and now lately is very silent on text . I don’t know where in the plan I’m suppose to be or what I should be doing to get her back. I feel like just going nc will drive her away and also not knowing what’s going on drives me crazy. She spends so much time with this guy it’s nuts . Help ! Any advice woiod be great
Also want to add we had a 5 year relationship
She has probably started a rebound relationship so don’t worry about it.its not gonna last that long.
Here’s a checklist for ending no contact.
-You followed the no contact rule for at least one month.
-You are no longer a mess as you were after the breakup.
-You have made a few positive changes in your life.
-You are absolutely sure that getting back with your ex is a good decision.
-You have gone on at least one date during no contact.
-You have accepted the breakup and you are OK with the fact that you may never get your ex back and this might never work for you.
-You have accepted the fact that even if you don’t get your ex back, you will be fine since there are endless opportunities in the world to find love and happiness.
If you think you followed NC rules for at least a month,then you don’t need to restart it.
Make positive changes in your life.always be happy,positive cool and confident.
Show that you care about your personal life (your goals,something she know you always wanted to do) ,and be supportive about her personal life.
Do not say anything about getting back together,her boyfriend,the break up,the negative memories…
You should attract her again.and that takes time.be patient and show her the new you.act like friends.its actually the falsefriendship so you can get close to her and meet her without looking needy so you can show her the positive changes in you and your life and reattract her.
Follow the plan.read the article once more and you’ll see you don’t have to be talking about getting back together until the fourth meeting.
Like kevin suggested,i recommend you to read Relationship Rewind by Ryan Rivers.it explains all you need to know about falsefrienship,the stage you are at and what exactly you need to do to get out of it.
Subscribe to kevin’s email series.its free and it’ll help you understand so many secrets about your ex.
Best of Luck
Thats a tough spot for you but sounds like she is really into you. Your best course may be doing he 5 step plan here and looking into relationship rewind. It takes patience but I think it is worth the effort.
You need to keep any contact you have with her positive and not anything about your break up… Or her new bf… If you do see her do something fun like go to the park or something… Walk dogs anything that just leaves her thinking that was a really fun day… She obviously still feels very strongly about you…
I have had a similar relationship but only over 1.5 years… The difference is I broke up with him then he spent 3 weeks trying to get me back then I agreed then he changed his mind (turns out he met the live of his life who is perfect)… He won’t even talk to me.or think about us… At least she is talking and clearly thinking about you. Don’t make yourself too available… And don’t get into the friend zone by being her advisor.