Attraction building across the ocean

Hi kevin I understand the NC rules. But its what happens after that im lost with. Atrraction building. My ex/girlfriend is in New York and im in Johannesburg (south africa). I can’t really say “lets have coffe” after succesfully pulling off the NC period. What do you recommend I do?

I think that’s really tough. I think (but I am a newbie as well on this man) that you should do the NC longer, because it doesn’t feel so intense because you are so far apart, you know what I mean? Maybe 60 days instead of 30 or someting. But after that I think you should start texting or emailing her. But I al also curious what other people think you should do, it’s obviously difficult man.

Thanks Le Matt. Appreciate. But the thing is. We haven’t broken up officially yet. We just at that point where I can smell a rat. Now I suspect she’s met some american dude our chats via skype, whats app and phone calls are too far apart and I get the impression she’s forcing herelf to talk to me. But what really raises my suspicion is posts on social networks like Facebook and instagram. If I make the NC too long I risk her spending more time with this punk and probably falling for him cause womem cheat emotionally? won’t I risk her not coming back in september like she’s supposed to and extending her contract?

I fully understand. In my case, we did not break up but she told me she wasn’t sure. Then I initiated NC for a week and ignored all her messages until she texted me “I don’t need this shit, if you’re not answering we can end things right now” so we agreed to talk and she was really pissed. And a couple of days later, she really did end things. So I am not sure if NC while being still together is such a good idea generally. But on the other hand, being nice to her didn’t help either the weeks before that. Maybe I shouldn’t have stopped with NC back then at all. It’s very difficult to say. I’d love to hear another opinion on this one. I have no idea what you should do honestly because I compare it to my case and am not sure either, if it was good or not.

Its rally tricky. will the NC back fire or work if she’s not really an ex yet? I really wonder.