angry ex during no contact

We dated for 5 months and it was going great. Even her friends always said she was so happy with me. Until all of a sudden she said she had decided that day and she just wasnt feeling it anymore, but wanted to stay friends. She said she didnt love me anymore and that was that. Following this she said we both needed space but texted me everday as if we were still together. Until one day i told her i was gunna need space and she got angry. She didnt say anything for a few days but then texted me asking me why i was ignoring her, and then continued to get angry and say that she didnt want to end on bad terms but i guess thats what i want, and then saying I dont get to treat her like shit, and then saying that she thought i said i would always be there for her and im a liar. Shes been tweeting things like the worst feeling is missing people, and why do i even. I told her again that i just need my space for now and i would contact her when im ready and left it at that. Im continuing not talking to her but its hard hearing these things. I plan on writing her a letter soon