My ex girlfriend and I were in 2 and a half year relationship with 4 months of that living together. We broke up ultimately due to issues within ourselves. I had problems with being affectionate and she had problems with anxiety and self confidence. While broken up, I’ve realized how my problems with affection possibly played a part in her lack of confidence. I spent time reading and talking with people in healthy relationships about how relationships thrive. Fast forward four weeks later and I have learned so much about myself and grown exponentially.
After 4 weeks apart I finally texted her a funny story regarding a dog I encountered on a walk (she loves dogs more than people) and she responded laughing. I cut the convo after a couple texts then texted her the next day about another encounter with a dog and the convo lasted a bit longer this time maybe 3 gets from each. Skipped a day, then texted her yesterday asking about her fathers health who wasn’t doin to well at the time of our split. We went back and forth on that for a while and made her laugh a bit again. No response for a while then around 10pm she sends I have a favor to ask. I respond with yes but she responds saying sorry that was for my sister. I respond back impersonating her sister by how she talks and she found it hilarious. Then said good night and cut it there. Am I on the right track here?