Am I on the right path?

My ex girlfriend and I were in 2 and a half year relationship with 4 months of that living together. We broke up ultimately due to issues within ourselves. I had problems with being affectionate and she had problems with anxiety and self confidence. While broken up, I’ve realized how my problems with affection possibly played a part in her lack of confidence. I spent time reading and talking with people in healthy relationships about how relationships thrive. Fast forward four weeks later and I have learned so much about myself and grown exponentially.

After 4 weeks apart I finally texted her a funny story regarding a dog I encountered on a walk (she loves dogs more than people) and she responded laughing. I cut the convo after a couple texts then texted her the next day about another encounter with a dog and the convo lasted a bit longer this time maybe 3 gets from each. Skipped a day, then texted her yesterday asking about her fathers health who wasn’t doin to well at the time of our split. We went back and forth on that for a while and made her laugh a bit again. No response for a while then around 10pm she sends I have a favor to ask. I respond with yes but she responds saying sorry that was for my sister. I respond back impersonating her sister by how she talks and she found it hilarious. Then said good night and cut it there. Am I on the right track here?

Thank you for this. It gives me hope for my situation.

You are exactly on track so keep following the steps on this website. You may suffer setbacks but don’t let that get you down.

You didn’t specify who did the dumping. If she is the dumper, you might be heading to the just friends zone where you are feeding her self-esteem boosts and behaving as her safety net while she considers other options. She likely won’t let you get very close if that is the case and you would be helping her move on.

@seth it was a mutual split but you could still be right. We talked a bit more yesterday and I was going to finally give her a call later today and also ask her to get a beer or walk along the beach with my dog (which is what we used to do frequently) I have flirted a bit but very nonchalantly.

If the messaging is going well, I think that would be okay. She might say no, but it sounds like she might say yes too.

Keep on going and be patient and see if she reaches out to you. Does she seem more confident about herself? Good thing you worked on your affectionate issues and looked at healthy relationship for a month.