Met a girl from Bumble and here’s how it’s gone dating wise:
Sat 29 Dec - went for a few afternoon drinks.
Sun 30 Dec - Went out for a meal and more drinks, ended up staying over at hers kissing most of the night, slept together but we didn’t have sex.
Mon 31 Dec - As I woke up at hers we took her dog for a walk in the park and spent most of the day together.
Tues 1 Jan - She came over to mine and we ordered Chinese, she didn’t stay over.
Sat 5 Jan- Went for drinks, ended up staying at hers and we slept together, this time had sex.
Sun 6 Jan - Went for a meal and to the cinema.
Fri 11 Jan - She came over to mine and I cooked her a meal, she didn’t stay over.
Didn’t hear from her for a couple of days so asked what was going on, her response was:
“Sorry, keep meaning to message back my aunt’s staying at the moment. I’m getting nothing done. I feel we really get on and connect well which is what I’ve also been having some time to mull over, but I do think it might be more of a friendship forming than a romantic connection on my part.”
I texted back with the following:
No worries at all and I can imagine it’s busy, hope you’re having a nice time though. Thank you for being honest and to be honest on my part, I do really fancy you and like you quite a bit so don’t think I could be just friends which I hope you understand. If there is still a chance let me know.
Any chance she might reach back out or should I give up all hope? It’s been just over a week now since those final texts and I just wondered if there might be a slim chance she gets back in touch?