I agree. I did same mistake (just created a thread) that once my ex started becoming loving, I tried harder and started showing too much of affection. I think it was a huge mistake and we should move very slowly, more than our ex actually while being happier with whatever going on. In your case, and as I have gone through your story, it seems he would not be mad for more than a day or two once he understands your calling was out of love and fun. Let him take little time and you should stop worrying, you really came a long way and it should be best ahead, with being little careful and let him chase you or initiate things.
I did that Sunday and it’s already Tuesday. I did it cause I wanted to make him laugh, but he’s right, we aren’t at that point yet, but he snapchatted me stupid shit, I replied…none from him…
I think best just to drop a text with connecting to his emotion, or try to think his true feeling like ‘Hey I understand you may have felt awkward because I felt loving you and saying something like old times, I wish it could have made you happier.’ and just stay in NC for a day or two more. He is probably into emotions and it happens. Surely it would be going well ahead for you, do not worry much.
I was suggesting texting to connect with his feelings and share your, as per non-violence communication book, but if you are scared then just wait to notice anything positive before sending, or send by end of week if he does not contact.
Stop beating yourself up about it! It was an innocent mistake! Is he really a sensitive person? Give it some time! He will get over it. You are almost there! Don’t keep feeling bad about it and I wouldn’t keep apologizing. He will have the upper hand and soon the apologies won’t mean anything. If you don’t hear from him, reach out to him. It’s not like he’s consistently ihonoring you, right?
I’m the sensitive person lol, I only apologized like…3 times…but the last one was a more sincere one. and I don’t think so, he sent me like 4 snapchats yesterday. What am I supposed to say ?
Why even bring up what you said at all anymore? You’ve already apologized. It’s clear that he has all the control. When are you supposed to meet up again? I would text him assuming that everything is still on and maybe text about your meet up, not if you guys are still meeting up, but like time, place, etc…no need to beat around the bush. He’s getting upset over something really silly.
Too me it would be, but because I’m a pansy. I still feel like he’s mad or whatever. But yet he snapchatted me stupid crap, but didn’t reply to any of mine…