
Hi, having found this website and reading over the steps to win back my ex girlfriend it has provided me with some clarity but also some unanswered questions due to the fact my relationship has ended a bit different to the steps.

My ex recently broke up with me out of the blue (around 18 days ago) we had recently got back from holiday and she was texting me the day before saying love and miss you but the next day was acting weird after seeing a girl mate and stated that didn’t know why but didn’t feel like she loved me in a romantic way and felt like it for a number of weeks. Since this talk that night in the which I got upset as was in shock we have spoke again a few times. The first was a few days later after me asking to talk when we had a 45 minute phone call about what happened etc, again she stated just didn’t have the same feelings and felt wasn’t fair to hold me back and wants to counselling her self around commitment issues as she had family members state she always does this!! At this time I asked if anyone else which she stated no. We agreed on phone to state if had any stuff to give back so I text her 3 days later about the stuff I had and if wanted it!! She stated yes but was out so could we do a different night in which I said yes as was out myself.

The next day she randomly text me about using the Netflix account which is hers as she was staying in that night!! I said was fine as wasn’t on it anyway!!

She text Tuesday after this asking to collect stuff, when she got the items we spoke for 30 mins about the situation and also I asked about things I had seen online like a guy she followed etc. Left being civil but she didn’t answer my question about the guy and also stated if jealous could call about it anyway time!

That night I had a bad night around the guy in question so called her to ask how she knew him and stated dated before we was together etc but nothing now!!

Throughout this period I was going through emotions as mentioned in stage 1 around anger denial etc and getting jealous about her posts online and looking at it all the time, last Saturday she went family meal and made me explode as felt this was the point of being over me not going in my head. Gave me clarity as first night sleep after this for weeks.

The day after she called saying I had called her but never did as was with mates out, text after call as was confused about her call but said agisn she had a thing saying called her. We spoke asking about how each other are and I asked if had good time at dad party where she said yes. I made a joke saying where was my invite in which she stated haha ?

I am looking over the steps to win back and am some what confused where I am, I have now got to point I don’t look at her online stuff and sleep very well now without being jealous etc. Feel like I have got past stage 1 but the contact was still there.

Looking at stage 2 this week I am concentrating on myself going golf and getting haircut along with going to a friends wedding (which she was invited too) this weekend!!

I am just confused about my next steps, as feel like after reading this we lost connection and spark along with me showing her too much love as she has mentioned not attracted to me that way and more friends at minute.

Her commitment issues have been raised to me from her family (brothers) saying she always does this (I am friends with them before we met) and can’t commit!

Sorry i am going on here, my question is shall I leave this week to see if contact me and then maybe at the weekend contact her like stated in stage 3 after she would see my posts of me being out?? (which will do as stated stage 2).

I worry about not panicking her as she starts a new job next week so feel that could be a good time to show the text accepting break up. Would people agree??

Thanks in advance for any advice