Advice please... lost

Ok this may be long, but i havent told anyone this long story and would like someone to hear it. This is my entire situation.

First off let me say, my gf of 4.5 almost 5 years has broke up with me… we are amazing together, she really is my best friend and im not just saying that due to feelings. There is no one i relate to as much in my life, male or female or family… but theres but more to this story.

Well, everything has always been great. A year and half ago for the first time, we started to have some fights over something silly, but i should of known she wouldn’t approve… since i never really have had feeling for anyone else, i used that as an excuse and and tired to show it… she that didnt work i would flip out like i have never with anyone before because i figured she was at wrong and too stubborn. I kept that up for awhile and she broke up with me.

Well when we broke up the first time, i was shook hard… i figured it was my mistakes that ruined shit… I didnt do a proper NC, and blew her up with apologies for a week or 2… i knew she still cared also because she blocked me on fb, yet logged on mine secretly on a daily basis… i saw that and used that against her to make her jelous with things i was doing, or give hints i was sorry…

Well after about a month and hslf of that shit, i gave up… she still logged on my fb, but i figured because shes nosey… well a little after that she starts wanting to chill, but not as a couple… we do that, and it becomes evey night quickly and started to date again…

The problem was, i wanted to gst her back soo much during it and wanting to show it. I didnt do a proper NC and didnt really see why we broke up in the first place.

I thought i had her again and forever, everything was good for the past year and few months… hell we were constantly looking for pads, and she have serious hints she wanted me to propose this summer…

Well 3 months ago, we had out first fight since coming back and silly me, i didnt see the mistakes from last time… i went straight into being over affection to be sorry (which is something we were never about)… when that didnt work again, i flipped the *** out because once again, how much i love her i figure is enough and blamed her…

Well that was the pushing point, and we broke up again after a month of her being distant and me continuing the cycle. I was an idiot, i didnt know what i did wrong… it was be over reacting to our problems, and i made shit worse… it stopped being about what made her bad, and about me. Is see that now.

I spent the first week or 2 blowing her up saying sorry again, giving bs excuses… it was then i realised it was my over reacting behavior the 2 times we had trouble in our years that she didnt wanna deal with… when im not like that, even when shes not happy, she still loves me and cares more than anything.

It was then i decided to grow up, and stop using excuses… i decided i needed to stop worring, improve myself and conduct a no contact.

I spent probably about 20 days doing that, then message with her, even tho it wasnt much. We then have dinner together. She also wanted to chill 2 days later when i asked, but she didnt respond quick and asked me to go to the bar when i was taking a nap so i missed it… i ask the next day to chill, and she said actually no i need to tell you something… she then says shes seeing someone else now, and that was her last text and the last time i messaged after i said i hope shes happy.

Well we have been split for like 6-7 weeks… she had it hidden on fb, but made it public on facebook after she told me, and it dates 2 weeks ago she was in a relationship(while i was in my 20 day NC) …

Idk what to do at this point, has she really moved on? I want her back more than anything, and i actually am trying to do the right things to get her back and not let the troubles come again… idk if she thinks i cant change my BS, since i didnt do it after the last time we broke up. I wish there is a slight chance.

What should I do people… lol sorry this is so long.

Maybe you could see a therapist for anger management to learn how to control your temper and interactions. She’s upset now and if she has a boyfriend, maybe don’t contact her for longer than 30 days, maybe 45-60. If she has feelings for you, she will probably contact you first before the no contact ends. Good luck…

Agree with Patricia12, sounds like a rebound relationship which will run it’s course. She’s trying to replaces all the good stuff you two had with this new guy. But this usually doesn’t work. Her new relationship is not founded on true attraction, this is just a pit stop. Let her do her thing, only when she realizes ON HER OWN that you are the one she wants to be with then things will get better. But you absolutely cannot force this has to be her idea to get back together. Give her the gift of missing you, cut her out of your life for a while. This is extremely hard but if you want what you had this is the only way. Good luck!