So today, I genuinely accidentally emailed my ex instead of one of the ladies at work! They have the same first letters of their names and I didn’t look at it before I sent it lol. Doh!
He replied with a “x”, and I was thinking what is he doing emailing me? Then I realised I had emailed him by mistake. The fear in my stomach lol. I quickly replied letting him know that was a genuine mistake and I didn’t mean to email him. To which he replied “no worries, it’s quite funny haha. How are you doing anyway? x”
I didn’t reply to it, as I needed NC and needed to re-emphasise the fact that I had done it accidentally.
I hope I don’t have to start NC again as I am on day 8 now.
The more it goes on, the more I am coming to terms with what went wrong in our relationship and thinking it really wasn’t anything major or anything that can’t be rectified, but it won’t work if it is just me who thinks it!
I am getting my letter ready to send for a couple of weeks time.
I must of written it about 10 times so far as my feelings change as time goes on lol.
Okay. You are doing just fine. The only thing I would say is don't say sorry next time, because if the the context of the email had nothing to do with him, he will catch on. Disregarding that mistake, I think you have boosted yourself in the breakup by showing you're still around but you are not willing to connect at the moment. You do not need to restart your no contact, because his response showed that he still cares. In fact he revealed a concern about your well being, and that is the number 1 symbol of love; caring.
I will say that as you go on with the rest of your no contact completely disconnect from him and focus on yourself. No mutual friends, no social media, and no bumping into him or anyone he is affiliated with. Transform yourself into the woman you want to be. He will not let you go. Instead he will constantly try to contact you because he has no idea what in the world you have been up to. He might even go insane hahaha. But his insanity will be due to his growing love for you and eagerness for you to be in his life.
I wanted to let him know that I hadn’t done it on purpose, because I could imagine him thinking I had done it just to get him to talk to me.
I do feel better about everything, but I am still a bit worried that he won’t ever come back to me. I think time for both of us is essential, I need it to create positive changes, and he needs it to miss me and remember the good times we shared.
We are no longer on each other’s facebook (he deleted me) so can’t see anything that goes on. So the only way he would know what is going on in my life is if he asked me. He is not getting in contact often at all, but that is good because I would find it hard to ignore him all the time!
I just want him to remember why we are so good together. We lost our way a little bit, I was suffering from depression and didn’t know it so I was irritable and the whole relationship broke down. As he says, he loves me but isn’t in love with me anymore…
Okay, in this reply I am going to focus on what you need to correct about yourself that will not only benefit your chances of getting back with whom you may love at the moment, but also your future happiness.
I want you to imagine having a friend who is depressed all of the time. No matter what you do she's just a downer. She searches for acceptance, compliments, and she even turns down having a good time. When her name pops up via text message or voice-call are you going to answer as often as you used to? No. Because you do not want to be sucked down by negativity, epecially after you trying to uplift her situation.
Now. I want you to look up the concept of "Filling You Own Cup" on Youtube by a guy named TylerRSD. In this video he will inform you of the keys to making yourself happy in the midst of all the negative things in the world. Because within the negative things are positive lessons. When you know learn how to fill your own cup you will instantly become more attractive, because you will no longer be dragging other people down with negativity; instead you will be uplifting others and your energy will attract more positive people.
I would also like to state that the fact that your ex blocked you on Facebook is childish and spiteful, which is also him showing that he still cares about you. Don't allow that to get to you, that just shows a lack of maturity. It also shows that he will go to a certain distance to put you down because you have potential. Trust me, I am going through many spiteful things as it is and I deal with them by bettering myself to the point where those actions which would have been mental gashes in the past, now make me laugh at what extent that person will go to in order to get attention.
I have suffered from depression before in my life, and should of seen the signs but I didn’t. I was horrible to be around, I didn’t even want to be around myself! Having suffered from it before, I know what I need to do in order to get myself back on track. And I already feel a lot better having made some changes to my life. It took him breaking up with me for me to realise what situation I was in and do something about it. So I am grateful that he actually gave me that kick to do something about it!
I agree the facebook thing was plain spiteful and childish. He had messaged me Saturday morning asking me how I was, I didn’t reply. So an hour later I got a text saying “Just letting you know I took you off facebook. No other reason than I have had issues with an ex before and maybe you not seeing my stuff all the time is good x”
He was trying to make out that it was for my benefit. If he had actually looked, he would have seen that I hadn’t been on facebook since we broke up, to remove myself from the situation. So his facebook wasn’t bothering me as I wasn’t looking at it in the first place! so I’m not really sure what he gained from that.
You are not alone when it comes do depression. I have been experiencing chronic depression since I was 14 years old. But just because it's normal does not make it okay. Whenever you are feeling down remember that there is a lot of other bs going on in the world and it could be a lot worse (excuse my language). And thrive off of your depression. Make it so you don't have to experience that same feeling ever again in your life. Depression is just a kick in the rear telling you that you need to make a change in your life.
And I wouldn’t of realise this without him breaking up with me and wouldn’t of had the kick to sort my life out. So I can see the benefit of our relationship ending.
I don’t NEED to be with him to be happy, I just WANT to be with him.
And am hoping that once I have sorted myself out and reached out to him, he will see how much progress I have made and will remember the traits that he first found attractive in me and will give it a chance. I am also prepared for the fact that it will be a strict “friends only” zone, and no relationship will forge again. Worst case scenario that is lol