So previously on me :D…,about 12 days ago,he asked me to give him a chance to see me cuz it was hard for him to cut everything all of a sudden.and i was sure it was nothing about getting back together.
I’v been thinking and after this whole time,i think i really couldn’t meet him just to say goodbye.he had 5 months to think about it and he really doesn’t want me back so i texted him and asked how he was doing.
He replied like he was really happy that i texted him and asked me how i was?
I said: i’m fine and that i’m sorry but i need to move on so i’m blocking you and everyone around you on fb ,so non of us will see or hear anything about each other.
He said:Ok baby,i really wish u all the best and i always want you to be happy from the deepest part of my heart.
I said:wish you the same as well.always be the same person you were in our relationship.i’m gonna miss you but there is no other way.i’m sorry i broke the deal,the meeting could keep me from moving on for awhile.
He said:i forgot to say,i think i’m moving to another country by the next few months.
He used to say if we move somewhere out of the states,far from his family.we could get married.and the day we were breaking up,he cried and said:getting married is the only way we can be with each other but its not possible now and here.get your degree and go to another country,i promise i will fix my life and i’ll be there to start a new life with you.
I don’t know if he said that because he wanted to remind me of his promises or he just wanted to tell me about his future plans.and i’m not focusing on his words.i’m starting NC indefinitely and i don’t care if he has moved on or he is moving on or whatever.i’m focusing on my life and i’m really moving on.
Thank you guys for helping and supporting me through all my painful moments.i don’t really know how i could ever thank you enough.
Your plan,your words,your emails…,you made me a stronger person.i really wish i could do something for you in return.i have learned a lot.and i’m sure i’m gonna be successful in my next relationship.i even see this situation as a success.5 months ago,i couldn’t even imagine losing him forever and now,i could cut it myself.i really appreciate everything you did to help me and everyone here.Thank you very much kevin.
I’m gonna be here to help others as much as i can.i can live without my ex but i guess i can’t live without this website LOL
Thank you everyone