a success story for those despairing.

If you wish to stalk me and my previous posts, you can to get some indepth context.
While I agree that NC works for most situations, mine worked out differently. I broke NC, talked to a friend of his who then talked to him.
He called me, and after a long conversation we came to the conclusion that he had his own issues to work out, and even if we got back right now things wouldn’t work, which I agree with, as we did break up for a reason. It took me a while to see this, but I finally realize that the breakup is for the better for us both.
He says he wants to work on himself and take time to himself without hurting me in the process, so we decided we’d be on a break, while still remaining in contact with one another.
He said he still loves and cares for me, and hopes to reconcile if/when the time is right. I am hopeful knowing that the reconciliation would mean that things will be better the second time around, as we’ve both communicated and realized our faults.
I’ll try to remember to update when reconciliation happens, since we are LDR, he plans to come visit when quarantine ends and we try to work things out from there.
Just wanted everyone to know there is light at the end of the tunnel, that things go get better.
Whether or not you get back with your ex, things will get better someday.
As for the NC, I think it should be followed under most occasions, however I do believe that (if you are thinking rationally), you should do what you think is right, and I think we both made the right decision.

Take care everyone. :slight_smile:

@quietus I recommended not contacting him as it will remind him of your indiscretion, but since you’ve both agreed to stay in touch, I suggest you don’t over-do it as it could become a little boring if you do… Finally seeing each other in person would be a great time to re-kindle the romance:)

You say it’s a long distant type relationship… where is he and where are you?

really far, different continents. we plan on most likely reuniting once corona ends and we see each other. I won’t initiate contact with him much, to give him his time and space.