5 Weeks No Contract...What Next?

Hello all,

So my ex and I dated for about 3 years, and she had accepted a job abroad teaching for a year with a significant time zone difference. We’d already spent a lot of time long distance with me going abroad for 5 months and her at school after I graduated. This made it a bit hard for me to accept more distance. Nevertheless, I was happy for her and never would’ve asked her not to go.

I felt her starting to distance herself before she left and a month into the LDR she said she felt we didn’t want the same things in life, that we both needed to do some soul searching separately, that she still loved me but wasn’t IN love with me, and other breakup lines. She said she was enjoying her job, felt it was where she was meant to be and that she maybe wants to stay longer than a year. I told her that the breakup is not what I wanted but that if that’s how she feels then I would respect her decision, and that I hope she changes her mind. We wished each other good luck in the future and said goodbye.

The breakup caught me off guard, I knew the distance would be hard but she always said that she knew we could make it through anything. We often talked about marriage and kids and whatnot. I was becoming more comfortable with the idea of marriage and kids because I knew it meant a lot to her and therefore it meant a lot to me too. I wanted to have kids with HER, not just for the sake of wanting kids. I saw a future with her and was building a life with her, so the breakup was very hard to accept.

That was a month ago with no contact from the start. She’s deleted all pictures of me from Instagram and changed her FB status from “no info” to “single” (we always thought FB relationship statuses were dumb). These made me sad, but I assume it’s her way of trying to accept the breakup. She also reached out to my parents via email telling them how much I/they meant to her and how she is sorry for hurting me in this way (they had a very close relationship). She also said in this email that I was everything she looked for in a man (smart, joyful, caring, intelligent, etc.) and so I was very confused why you would let someone go who is everything you want.

I’m just not sure what to do now after a month NC. I think about her everyday, but with the long distance for another year or more what good will it do contacting her? I will admit that she was not the best at long distance relationships and I have accepted that I don’t want the same relationship, but I would want a better one. I feel contacting her may just prolong my pain. I also think that maybe a month isn’t enough time for her since it seems she is really trying to figure out what she wants in life. Our breakup may have been a partially due to my insecurities with more long distance, but I also think its a a lot due to her own internal conflict on what she wants in life. I feel that she needs to figure herself out and I don’t know when that will be.

Looking for any helpful advice. Thank you.

I’m sad for your situation and know you must be heartbroken. You sound like a very nice guy, but she doesn’t want to continue the relationship for the reasons she stated. I think you should stay no contact and allow her to contact you in her own time and for her own reasons. Give her lots of space for her think about whether or not she wants to reunite at some point down the road. Good luck:)

That is what I was considering doing, but I am also thinking that if I don’t reach out then there is no hope in reuniting. She can be stubborn/anxious and therefore would probably be afraid to reach out to me for fear of rejection. Someone needs to take the leap. But since I have no idea what she is thinking it’s hard for me to guage the situation. I feel that reaching out soon may be the best way to get a read and determine whether she needs more space or not.

You already to her you hope she changes her mind. You could try to contact her in another month or two and ask how she’s doing. But I wonder why you weren’t engaged after 2 years? Most often people know each other well enough by then and now that 3 years have gone by with no engagement, maybe she became discouraged that it wouldn’t happen even after “talking” about marriage and children.

*oops - I meant to say you already told her you hope she changes her mind…

Thank you for the responses. She was still in school and she was going abroad for a year so I didn’t think it was the right time to get engaged until we were finally together in the same city. And I didn’t get the sense that she wanted to get engaged right away either, but she knew she wanted to in the future. I don’t feel that this breakup had to do with marriage, but rather just uncertainty about the future and feeling that our paths are going different directions (different countries, goals, etc.) I never really thought about the future as I was more of a “go with the flow” kind of guy, but she thought about the future a lot. So she maybe thought I didn’t want the same things. I’ve started thinking about what I want in life more now and I wish I could reassure her that we do want the same things.