Hi Everyone.
Thank you for reading this.
I am in a bit of a tricky situation. I’ve been in relationship with this person for 4 years, and it was a very mature and respectable relationship. There were some times where we were not happy, but we knew that we loved each other and managed to stay together for quite a long time. We rarely had any fights.
A week ago, EX told me that we should break up, despite how much we love each other. The breaking up process was very mutual. We talked about why we are breaking up. Her reasoning was that we are simply not compatible in that we want different things in life. We always have to find a compromise and it hurts too much when I have to give up something to do the things that she wants.
Since the broke up, I’ve been keeping no contact. Only time I contacted her was to let her know that I’ve arrived home because I drove her to home after the break up. At that time, we both wished each other well. When I told her that we should keep in touch, she just replied that “we shouldn’t because it will only be more painful”.
Today, a week after the break up, she decided to unfriend me on facebook, and unfollowed herself from my account and unfollowed me on her account on instagram. In addition, she changed her instagram to private. As I was really holding onto the hope of reconciliation based on the FB and instagram status, I fell in quite a shock but did not break the no contact.
In early December, there is a concert that she really wanted to go and I have the tickets. It was purchased months in advance and she was very excited to go see it. I was planning on sending her the tickets because I do not want to miss the concert due to our break up.
I felt that sending the tickets would be a nice way to break the NC, but I feel like she doesn’t love me anymore because of how she just unfriended me on all social networking sites.
My questions are:
- Should I still send her the tickets (via slow mail)?
- What should I write her a simple note or a letter as described on the EBP