Full story here :https://www.forum.exbackpermanently.com/boards/topic/nonsense-breakup-and-its-messing-me-up-real-bad/
First of all, I want to thank everyone that supported me here. Like 1000 times thank you.
I want to start off saying that I’m no longer the emotional wreck I was when I started that topic. I’ve evolved A LOT. Like when a Feebas evolves into a Milotic (Pokémon reference people, hehehe ) I’ve changed.
I feel I’ve become a brand new woman. I feel powerful. I feel confident. And for you guys that are starting NC, let me tell you that it was that unbearable pain that turned my heart into a Fullmetal one (yay, Fullmetal Alchemist reference! :D) This was a walk through Hell. It really was, and it still is.
My ex didn’t contact me AT ALL. And this is where I would need advice.
You see, I was informed that he unfriended everyone on Facebook who is a family relative of mine, except for me and my friends. He didn’t unfriend me (yet), but still didn’t reach out to me, and honestly, I don’t think he will. He also deleted our anniversary pics, and possibly got rid of the stuff I gave him. My opinion on this? I think he’s forcing himself to be over me. He’s forcing himself to move on. I mean, come on, we were together for almost 2 years, he can’t really move on like that in 4 weeks. Right?
I’m asking for advice here, as I think he’s taking significant steps to move on. He’s also different. He was very discrete on his Facebook, and now fills his profile with pics he takes (he’s really into photography) because he recently created an Instagram account. I don’t know if he’s trying to get attention or he’s distracting his mind away from me. I don’t know anything, people, hahahah! So please, tell me your opinions on this.
I also think that the reason he doesn’t talk to me anymore it’s because it hurts. It hurts talking to me because what we had is gone. He was the one that broke up with me, but I’m pretty sure it hurt him. You see, this guy really loved me. Believe me, he did. He was CRAZY for me. Although that day he didn’t seem the same guy.
Also, those of you who read my topic telling my story realized that this was quite a traumatic breakup for me. Only God knows my pain. And since then, I’ve been constantly dreaming about him. I have good dreams and I have nightmares. That makes me wake up in pain and drives me nuts sometimes. But only for a short period of time.
Look, I’ve reached the stage where I don’t quite know if I want him back. You see, I love him. I really, really love him. But I don’t need him. Why I want him back? Because we’re quite similar. I felt like I was the happiest girl in the world when I was with him. And he felt the same. I’m sure of that because he said it countless times and I could see it in his eyes. We both have similar goals in life.
But the other part of me feels disgusted. Disgusted of the time I spent with him, all the intimacy we had. Disgusted of his heartless attitude of leaving me all of a sudden. Disgusted that he won’t even reach out to me to see how I am. Disgusted that he unfriended my family, who would ask about him and worry about him. This is a mix of love and hate.
I’m pretty aware that I have to rebuild the attraction. This will be quite a challenge, as he said it was definitive and that he longer felt the way he used to feel. I do think that his actions are matching his words, unfortunately, even though he said it when emotions were running high.
Like I said above, I know nothing xD. So please, won’t you take your time and tell me what you think?