For those who don’t know my story i will summarise it.
I went out with my ex for 8 months, she left me on the 26th of september saying she was depressed and had too much on her shoulders so she couldnt fight for us anymore and couldnt take the fighting.
We argued because she was going to prom with her best friend and i had doubts about their friendship (they have kissed before because she was unsure she loved him or not) she ealised that no she did not, when ahe left me 2-3 weeks after she was in a relationship with the guy (was it planned? Did she cheat? I dont know). She lied to me even as she was with him already saying she had no one in sight and wanted to be alone, and we had sex on the first week they were together (i did mot know she had a new bf).
That relationship is obviously a rebound.
Now i did not contact her for 30 days (she contacted me during this period like a week ago asking me to check up on a friend of mine because he was not anwering back on fb messanger but he was the one to send the last message, i texted her the next day saying “hes ok”)
I sent the first texts after NC very short
Me: hey i heard you got your drivers liscence congrats
Her:yea first shot:) apparently the girl i got is very strict too and thanks
Me: i told you that you would pass i’ve got to leave you i have an exam text you later
Her: i was sure i was going to fail i was so stressed ahaha:$ but ok sounds good
I’ll be texting her tomorow night just to make her wait (i texted her yesterday morning)
Now i dont know if she still has her BF, its still not on facebook which i find odd because after 1 month we went official.
I’m planning on taking it slow, texting every second day, and then proceeding to texting her everyday where it becomes a routine, after i’ll progress to phone calls and then a meet up.
What do you guys think? Any comments? Tips? What can i text to go a little deeper but not too deep?
I contacted my Ex after 24 days NC due to her requesting my help with something on day 18. Part of me is now gutted that I didn’t do my 35 days NC that I had planned initially.
She gave me a short sharp.response to my first message but we were talking in depth and joking within the hour. She text me good morning the following day (Monday), we had a very short convo with her sending the last message at 11am. I responded to that message of hers 12 hours later, didn’t speak to her yesterday and haven’t heard from.her all day today despite sending her a message this morning.
I have no idea where I am at now again and will not be speaking to her for another week unless she reaches out and contactse first.
I will follow how you are getting on and any advice others give here too. Good luck!
Well i’d suggest give yourself a week to regain control of your emotions then text her with something positive but keep it short like i did 2-3 texts max then say you must leave and you’ll text her later! (in 2 days but dont tell her,she will be expecting your text therefore only thinking of you)
The you text her again! After this texting session wait a 24h before re-starting a new convo you do this 3-4 times then you can start a day to day routine of texting slowly re-entering her life. And every day you go a little deeper ( a bit mpre emotionel but not too much or youll push her away)
Once you feel like the texts have an equivalent amount of words and both of you are reponding quickly you can tell her “something realy funny happen to me today, let me call you its realy funny” of course you’ll havr to find somethibg funny but after that you’ll keep on talking (make a cheat list on a paper where you illustrate things to talk about so its not akward haha).
Then either invite her for cofee or make her invite you to do something non-threatning and if everything goes well on the “meet-up” and she asks what do you guys do now? Well take control here is your shot to prove how better of a man you are and what mistake she did by leaving you!
Best of luck hope my plan can help you out figure out what your steps will be!
Keep working hard bud, you cant be a millionaire by sitting on a couch doing nothing