2 steps forward 10 back!!!

I really don’t know what my next steps should be!
Me and My ex of 7 yrs have been split for 4 months after acting desperate I did NC and we met for drinks and chatted via text, things were looking positive with the occasional hot and cold moments. He is in a rebound relationship and I really don’t know what steps to make to progress things with him!? I can’t imagine him running back to me admitting he made a mistake splitting up with me and I’d love to sit down and tell him my feelings for him but don’t know if that’s wise yet? Do I wait for him to make the move!?.. will he ever? Feel like I’m stuck in neutral and not sure what my next steps should be. Any tips advice greatly appreciated. Thanks

Not much of advice but maybe you keep on going out with him. Like going to places there will bring your old happy memories when you were together. Don’t tell him you want him back yet. I think you need to plant the idea of you want to get back together instead of telling him verbally. I know it’s a bit difficult to play mind games. By planting him good old memories might make him think about giving yout relationship second chance. Once you get the signal, that you desire, ask him to break up his current rebound relationship. Hope it helps!