1 Year after breakup, she contacts me

I am going to try and keep as short as possible, although I will give as much important info as needed in order to get better answers.

My ex and I who dated for about 6 months broke up almost a year ago, almost to the day. For the most part, we were great together. Many ups and very little downs. She is 7 years younger than me, she was 23 and I was 31. I was the reason she left me, for I created some trust issues. She was insecure about some things, claimed I cheated and said she would not deal with that in a relationship. I honestly never cheated and tried everything I could to let her know she was the only one in my heart, and I could not do that to her, let alone anyone. I have never cheated. She said she needed time. So i gave her about a week. I texted her if we were going to try and work it out and she said no. She said “sorry, but it is what it is”. This was very hard on me. This relationship was the best I had ever been in and was not ready to give up. I have violated every No Contact rule listed hear for the first month alone. I begged, pleaded, cried, texted, called, went to her place multiple times to get back together. It hadn’t been more than 2 weeks and she was already seeing someone new. I was devastated. It drove me crazy and texted and called even more and called her some pretty nasty things. I laid off and was a wreck for another 6 months. I refrained from any contact with her after that 1st 1-2 months, and totally feel like she thought I was super needy and CRAZY!

I got to the point where I accepted it, but still want(ed) her back, but I truly felt it was over for how I acted after the breakup. I couldn’t believe she was so quick to dump and get a new boyfried after how I showed her how much I loved her and treated her so well. I got to the point where I accepted she didn’t want to be with me and figured this was her way of breaking up because she wasn’t able to be honest with me. I have seen her around a few times over the past six months, even with her new boyfriend and all I got was an awkward wave and smile.

Since I have done my best to completely move on. I moved away from the city we lived in. I got a new job. I met someone who I was intimate with for a little over a month. But I always found myself thinking about and wanting my ex back. So now it has all come to this. In early September, I was in a horrific car accident. I ended up in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. Lots of broken bones and internal organ damages, but nothing recovery wouldn’t take care of. During my stay in the hospital, my ex must have heard about it and sent me a Facebook message asking if I was okay. It had been nearly 4 months without any contact and here she was asking me if I was okay. I responded. A few days later she asked what exactly had happened. I responded again, but about a week later I noticed she deleted her Facebook. Another week passed and I was home now and got a text from an unknown number. It was her, she said she deleted her Facebook and thought she would text me.

A bit more background info: prior to us breaking up, we had planned to move together to another city and move in together so she could finish up her degree at a University.

Since she has texted we have only exchanged a few texts from each other in the period of about an hour. She said she was moving into her new apartment in the city we were going to move together to and that she was going to go back to school in the Spring. I told her I was happy for her, apologized for acting like an ass after our breakup and her response was “:slight_smile: no hard feelings”. I have left our conversation at that and it has now been 20 days since. I don’t how to proceed. What do I take away from her contacting me. I still have feelings for her and would like to explore that but I guess I am just confused if she still has feelings or not. Is this why she has contacted me, to let me know she was concerned, or just to let me know she moved to where we were going to together. It is super complicated and I guess I am just looking for any advice here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If anybody has any questions that might help with you answering, please let me know.


First things first, I’m so sorry to hear about your accident and I hope you’re well on the road to recovery now. Take care of yourself, mentally and physically!
Now, about your ex, I think I’d advise you to keep up, if you can, a casual text/email correspondence with her, and maybe, after a few weeks of text/emails, see if you can get her to see you (keep it casual, follow Kevin’s instructions on the website ) . DONT ask her about her feelings for you or anything like that - read Kevin’s instructions and try to follow them as best you can! (I did, not that it did me any good :frowning: )
Good luck.

I think she was just checking up on you. I wouldn’t read too much into it unless she gives you hints that she still likes you. Keep it very casual, only put in as much effort into communicating as she is, maybe a little less and try to figure out where her heart is.

First, your story reminded a lot about my own. Exgf was younger, talk of marriage and kids, I gave her a very nice promise ring, practically lived together, but she was crazy insecure about my last gf and always comparing and talking about her. I broke it off and 1 week later she was dating someone. Its been 2 months and she still is. Anyways…

If she contacts you again simply tell her you don’t want to be friends, you want her as a lover and gf. Ask her to come over, bring a bottle of wine and hangout. If she says no then say thats fine if and when you’re ready. And then do not contact her.

Check out Corey Wayne on YouTube. Lots of good advice on how to be strong and handle ex’s.

You are on a pretty good track actually. (aside from your accident which I’m sorry about)

Text her again related to her school or some activities that you remember she was involved with. Create a fun conversation. Crack a joke, make her smile.

She’s already let her shields down, hence she contacted you. She may or may not get back together but that is up to you to handle. You need to attract her again. And that can only happen in a meet up. Don’t talk about the past relationship anymore. This is two people who knew each other in past and have the chance to be friends (first) and an open door for more developments later. You need to establish that false friendship state. I believe she still likes you or think positively about you but cannot put a label on it. It might be just that she missed some of the things you did together.

It is worth a shot. I wish you best of luck!

Thank you all for responding. I think I will try and keep a casual correspondence with her and if things go well I will try and see where her heart is. It would be a stretch for us to consider meeting up and working on things since we now live 200 miles apart, but if it is meant to happen, it will and I will do what it takes to make it work. She is worth it and I would like to see where it goes if she has an open mind and an open heart. I will provide updates to you all if I end up having a success story. Thanks again.

Good luck! You seem like you got your emotions under control.