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  • in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #4392
    • Total Posts: 161

    Daniel –

    I will!!

    I love beaches! Just watched a sunrise at beach with my ex this summer πŸ™
    Sure will remind me of him..

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #4391
    • Total Posts: 161


    Good luck to us!

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #4381
    • Total Posts: 161

    I understand you! But i still love to have hopes because they help me move forward!

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #4379
    • Total Posts: 161

    I’m actually not sure. Sometimes I feel like he’s not going to contact me but sometimes I feel like he’s going to contact me in a while, maybe around 2 months.

    He messaged once back to our mutual friend when she asked “do you plan to stay friend with her?” He said “yeah but she needs time to heal. I’m not going to just drop her but I want her to focus on herself” (I didn’t ask her to ask or anything, they were just talking about this and she showed me part of their chat screenshot)

    Good side – it’s possible that he may contact me and all I need to do is improve myself before he contacts me so I can build the attraction again

    Bad side – Did he just friendzone me? Oh gosh. But anyway, I think feelings wouldn’t fade away so quickly, considering all the memories we have. I hope he could forget what I’ve done not perfectly first.

    I feel like he has never done something bad to me, although he’s the one to initiate the breakup. He’s always considerate, and respectful. And the last thing he wants to do is to hurt me. So I guess even someday he contacts me, he will believe I’m already fine at that time, therefore I guess it would be a while later.

    I also feel lucky that I found the website right after I broke up, and I got friends besides me. Although I wanted to text him, like asking why, like asking for another chance, etc, I didn’t do any of these. All I did is replying his email very briefly and showed all my respect. However, he may know I was not doing really well from our mutual friend, because she mentioned once “She just kept asking if you still like her and I told her she needs to focus on herself”. This conversation happened before me replying email and I’ve posted nice photos and positive status on Facebook since then, hope it will help him to know I’m ok πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 161


    That ex got back with me in the way that I mentioned in this post (in the first comment after the original post):

    I said breakup and he initiated contact. I feel like I’m not the person who would contact the other one after breakup because I don’t want to add more hurt. Also I think my ex (whom I want to go back with now) isn’t the type of person who would do that too. That confuses me.

    • Total Posts: 161


    Nope I’m actually living in the US right now but I’ve always known that PH is a great place to visit! πŸ™‚

    I came to the states last year for school πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 161

    Yeah, is there anything wrong with that? …

    Have you asked them how?

    BTW, actually one of my ex managed to get back with me… But I’m not sure is it easier/different from a guy getting back with a girl than/from a girl getting back with a guy…

    • Total Posts: 161

    Wow Julia that’s inspiring and good to know! Lighted up hope!

    • Total Posts: 161

    How long do you plan to apply NC?

    Also I’m so happy that you’ve come so far! 40 days! Good for you!

    in reply to: brad browning anyone? #4271
    • Total Posts: 161

    I happened to see some of Brad’s videos today. I feel like the methods may be pretty the same but I haven’t decided if i wanna try it out.

    Have you read Text your Ex Back by Michael Fiore?

    in reply to: Oldies #4194
    • Total Posts: 161


    My exam went ok πŸ™‚ I’ll have another pretty soon tho.

    So now I just wanna put all my energy on my exam and not think about my ex even one second, although it’s much easier said than done.


    in reply to: Oldies #4191
    • Total Posts: 161

    Haha I’m actually Chinese πŸ™‚

    I love you said “we’re all friends here”!

    in reply to: He contacted me..what does he want? #4124
    • Total Posts: 161

    Hey Girly –
    It’s only day 4! Don’t lose your hope so quickly! Give him time to start missing you! πŸ™‚

    You can do this! I know you can!

    in reply to: Oldies #4121
    • Total Posts: 161

    Do you plan to contact her or anything?

    Not sure if you had seen my comment here:

    It’s my personal experience that how one of my ex managed to get back with me. To be honest when he contacted me again after NC, I didn’t have feelings for him, but I was not that defensive anymore after few months’ no contact. So I accepted his offer to hang out. And he turned out to be more handsome, more fit and more considerate, which attracted me again.

    Not suggesting you to go contact her or anything, but just wanna share my personal experience πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Oldies #4117
    • Total Posts: 161

    your latest comment in this post inspired me. Thank you.

    In china, we have a saying, which is basically saying that “we are getting the good things not by chasing, but by attracting.” I love the way you say “You can’t attract good things cuz all you think about is the negative things that has happened to you.

” And I love your words about “you have to forget the past.You should forget and forgive everything that has happened.When you live in the past you can’t improve your life.


    After I’ve realized what may have gone wrong in our relationship- yes I forgive myself for not having acting as a perfect girlfriend while my partner had so much stress. I also forgive him for not giving us another chance. I chose to let go any of these because I know both of us deserve better. To better ourselves, we have to forget the past, and embrace and look forward to the future. And I’m hanging in there, not giving up on him, because I know he and our “new” relationship is worth fighting. To achieve that, I also need to let go the negative sides in my life and be positive to attract good things.

    You inspired me a.z., you’re such a strong girl and I like you a lot. πŸ™‚

    I am very thankful that I have seen so many nice, intelligent and strong people here. I just know you all deserve the best, maybe getting back with ex, maybe getting a better person. But I just know you all deserve the very best.

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