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  • in reply to: I gave up #6006
    • Total Posts: 161

    I am proud of you letting go!
    Best wishes!!!

    in reply to: Oldies #5946
    • Total Posts: 161

    Haha I know I know! My ex was amazed how I can have that smooth skin and he loved my hair 🙂 When I went to a wedding with his family, his mom kept asking me that whether I wore stockings because my skin looked so smooth 😀 And my hair is super black and super straight, like most Asian girls. I cut and donated 15 inches this summer tho, but I still love my current hair style a lot! Aw after typing these, I feel more happier about myself! Thanks 🙂

    I’ll watch that movie this weekend! Like the girl you talked to, I am only available during weekend too! Haha

    And yeah I believe you will have a sexy girlfriend soon too!

    in reply to: Oldies #5930
    • Total Posts: 161

    Aw I was just about to post something here like “I just need to focus on myself” and then I opened the page and saw your comment a.z., you’re awesome! Thanks for the advice I’ll follow it!

    I’m on my way of letting go, it’s just seeing her would remind me of him.. I’m pretty happy now because I didn’t know how he’s doing so I can focus all on myself. I think I’ll hang out with her less and just focus on what would make ME happy and a better person!

    Thanks again a.z.!

    Also, I wanna share a quote regarding the rumors.

    No one can hurt you, only you can hurt yourself. Don’t care a damn whatever people say. If you get your ex back, some people are gonna say – you’re selfish. If you don’t get your ex back, some other people, or the same people are gonna say – you’re a loser!

    People talk but it’s usually not intentional. People just love to gossip. However, if I take it seriously and let it hurt myself, that’s not a good deal at all.

    in reply to: Oldies #5906
    • Total Posts: 161

    I’m a little bugged. Just a little tho.

    My ex and I only have one mutual friend, through whom I knew my ex. After we broke up, she stopped liking any status/pictures on my Facebook. Also, she’s the person who would love to post ALL the photos online, but after the breakup, every single time I hung out with her, she just didn’t upload any of them, which made me think a lot.. When I saw her last time, I said we could have coffee together sometimes (Hey I think I should be friendly anyway) and she said “No I’m too busy lately”. Ugh what’s wrong?!

    I started to think why she’s doing this.. I knew it’s impossible that my ex said something bad about me, but I wondered if my ex unfollowed my on Facebook too so our mutual friend doesn’t want to let him see me on Facebook. If I was tagged by her in her photos, he would see me. Or this is just completely her own decision?

    Ugh, feel weird. I just really wanted to show that I’m doing really well now, if he unfollowed me, how could I show that considering we’re 400 miles away?

    in reply to: Oldies #5905
    • Total Posts: 161


    Awww I’m so, so happy for you!!! Keep us updated!!!!

    More than school and stuff, somehow I feel like we’re kinda similar 🙂

    in reply to: Oldies #5802
    • Total Posts: 161

    That’s so me! I do talk about school a lot 🙂
    And I’m actually 53kg 😀

    in reply to: Oldies #5731
    • Total Posts: 161

    Joe –
    I’m impressed by your therapy story and I hope you’re doing better and better every single day!

    Steve and Rihanna –
    Thanks for caring about my plans!! Actually my school started last Wednesday already, but thanks to Labor day, I got one day off!! Going for shopping and making myself happy 🙂

    Then I’ll put a lot of efforts in my studying (I’m currently in graduate school) and job hunting! The career season is coming! The biggest career fair will be on Sept 10th, awww I need to rock that! Wish my luck! It’s hard for an international student but I’ll do my best!

    Steve –
    I hope you’re getting better now! You’re such a strong guy in my heart 🙂 I saw you talk to people (especially in one post regarding depression) to encourage others, and you’re always hanging in there. I admire that!

    Rihanna –
    I believe that movie will help you! It’s talking about positive thinking, but I feel like it’s more than that…
    Also are there a lot of people here already friends on FB? Cool thing!

    A.Z az az az az az az –
    It seems that you don’t come here as much, all I am hoping is that you’re feeling ok! Your body, your mood, hope you’re extremely healthy and happy!!! Because you’re so amazing, you deserve all the wonderful things!

    Dara –
    I adore your courage and bravery to let go! I feel like you’re going a have tons of fun right away!

    Sinead –
    Don’t ever worry! It’s not bad at all! I think he answering the phone at least shows that he’s not in the defense stage anymore 🙂 And I feel like you may need to stop contacting him for a short period of time unless you have reasonable reason to explain what the “calling but not saying anything” part 🙂 Best of luck!

    Alright I’m ready for lunch with friends and then shopping! Everyone have a blast today!

    “Live the life he/she wants to a part of” – Amazing quote! I read it from a buddy here but I forgot who.. It’s still nice to share it tho 🙂

    Sunshinegirl (I just knew there’s a “sunshine” in the forum already, so similar names haha)

    in reply to: Positive Thinking #5724
    • Total Posts: 161

    Yeah I’m totally with you!! I do this too and it’s so helpful!
    Thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: Oldies #5703
    • Total Posts: 161

    Hey guys I just finished my exams and have fun tonight! Didn’t get time to catch up with your posts but i’ll read tomorrow to catch up 🙂

    So I have been doing great! I got high and down from time to time tho, but most of the time I was doing really great!

    I don’t know about American/Western culture here, but some of my friends have been talking me and my breakup behind me… That doesn’t make me feel good.

    And I want to recommend the movie The Secret to all of you! It helped me a lot when I was down, I just forced myself to feel good, and it worked most of the time!

    Hope everyone is having fun today! I love you all!!

    in reply to: Suggested Books for Self-improvement and reconciliation #5165
    • Total Posts: 161

    Hey thanks for the book list!!
    I haven’t read a lot of books because I was busy with school.. But Kevin has recommended Relationship Rewind (you probably knew this already) by Ryan Rivers and Text Your Ex Back by Michael Fiore 🙂

    Also, I was watching the movie The Secret recently, and it helped me a ton to keep positive, maybe you could try 🙂

    in reply to: Oldies #4998
    • Total Posts: 161

    Maybe you didn’t see my comment so I’ll copy it here 🙂

    A.z –
    I didn’t stay updated, but I hope you have fully recovered already 🙂
    Also, could you recommend similar books with The Secret to me? I feel like watching that movie helps me so much! It makes me stay positive and confident in my studying, life, and love life as well.

    And from your reply to Rihanna, I knew you’re still sick.. I’m so sorry to hear that 🙁 You’re in my prayers.

    I feel bad that I can never give you good advice.. I just know that you’re so strong and I believe you can handle all of that really well.
    And you always have my support. 🙂

    Thanks for all the wishes and encouragement, I’ll ace the exam 🙂
    The school will start tomorrow, so excited for another amazing semester! Last year in school but hopefully not my last year in the states.. Rock it :)!

    • Total Posts: 161


    I just saw your story on another “success stories” post!!
    I am so happy for you!! Play it cool and you can do this!

    Best luck!

    in reply to: Oldies #4842
    • Total Posts: 161


    Wow I just knew you have been through 4 months already!! I am so proud of you!
    You are not needy anymore! I know you can do this! Good luck :)!

    in reply to: Oldies #4840
    • Total Posts: 161

    I’m thinking of Rihanna too 🙂 I have seen some of her posts lately and found out she’s even nicer than I thought! 🙂

    I am living in Michigan 🙂

    in reply to: Oldies #4822
    • Total Posts: 161

    Oops I didn’t realize that.

    Then I agree with Joe, ask her after all the exams are over. If I were her, I would love to focus all my energy on exams these days 🙂

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