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  • in reply to: Oldies #2582
    • Total Posts: 73


    Speaking of pics… it would be cool if we could post some on

    in reply to: Oldies #2581
    • Total Posts: 73

    Hey All,

    I’m still Kinda new here but I’d thought I’d jump on this thread anyway…hehehe. If you’ve read some of my recent threads; I am definitely on an up and down roller coaster and have a really really bad habit of driving by my ex’s house (like this morning before work, to find her car not there and me go crazy with random conclusions).

    ANYWAY….. I wanna say thank you to everyone!!! I think the only reason I even have “ups” is because of all of you. Like Rihanna put it “I think I replaced the love for my ex with all of you here.”

    Here’s a little bit about me:

    29/M from So-Cal; I love sports and working out, I love trying new places to eat!! I cook (although not lately). Constantly think about my ex and what shes doing/thinking. Hoping to start falling in hate with her to finally give my head a break from all this mess…

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2460
    • Total Posts: 73


    Should we be posting our comments on the main page, I’ve tried it and it says your comment is waiting for review (or something like that) and then it never gets posted..

    Also, I have been getting Kevin’s email on a consistent basis.. Lately his email have included a link to a webpage that I wouldn’t think would come from Kevin, HAS ANYONE ELSE Seen these/ or know what I’m talking about??

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2453
    • Total Posts: 73

    As I’ve already post these last few days have been really bad.. Today is not starting off on the right foot either… I am at work now and all I keep doing is searching to see if she has gotten an instagram or facebook… AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! its driving me crazy.. I wish I had vacation days… So I can get some time off to get over this….

    I know I need to start working on me but my body just wants to talk to her.. I know 3 weeks isn’t a long time but it feels like hell today!! (I hope shes feeling the same)….

    I just need to be reassured of one thing… Do I have a much better chance of reconnecting if I continue NC?? Do I really need to go 90 days? I know my story is a few pages back sorry to bring it all back up again..

    in reply to: Oldies #2417
    • Total Posts: 73

    Hey ALL!!

    I had a really really rough weekend with all of this… I started thinking about her a lot. Yesterday was the worst!!!! I couldn’t focus on anything… Had to stop myself several times from going to her place.. I think I need therapy or something!!!

    I was doing so well…. This morning I woke and drove by her house at 6:30 am before I went to work!!! I broke my promise to myself….

    The only bright side is that I haven’t broken NC yet.. Today is 3 weeks since we last spoke.. I am having such a hard time with this…..


    • Total Posts: 73

    If you read my story, you’ll see why I must go 90 Days. Its for me not her…

    I miss her like CRAZY!!! Today is the worse I’ve felt in a few days…

    I honestly don’t think I’d even have a chance. If I do have a chance, its going to take at least 90 days.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Sunshine, If you emailed him.. Then your 30 day NC starts the next day after your email…

    Sunshine where are you from originally?

    • Total Posts: 73


    I know this is a really hard time; many of us here are going thru it, including myself. Keep yourself busy and make positive changes..

    He misses you just as much if not more.. I’m on day 20 of NC and I’m going for 90. I have really good days and really bad days. Today’s been a so so day; but having all you here is a great help, I don’t know what I’d do without you guys..(that include you too sunshine…. Thanks!!


    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #1950
    • Total Posts: 73

    Mordecai, Dara, A.z,

    Thank you so much for your support through this process…


    Thank you for the great knowledge!!

    However, I don’t think she’s ever going to call…. with the changed numbers and all. Plus she’s extremely stubborn and prideful. Keep in mind that this is person who once told me, “if we break up, you’ll be the one coming back for me, its always you who comes back every time.” Regardless, I think I’m okay with that. Its still tough going thru the day to day. To make it worse, I keep thinking and imagining scenarios of what she’s doing now…or who.. ๐Ÿ™

    I am keeping strong with NC, today is NC day # 18; but I don’t know how long I’m going to continue calling it NC.. before I refer to it as giving up!!

    I am going to enjoy my time with this new girl(s). I’m definitely taking things slow; I’ve been on a few dates, but I haven’t connected with anyone like I did with this particular girl. So I don’t know if I should continue to date many or continue with seeing her only? Also, I am finding it difficult to get myself aroused with these new women. Its not a health issue (because trust me, the ex and I were Extremely Sexual and active with each other/ Like multiple times a day, actually our last time was 6 times on that day). Anyway..TMI (SORRY!!) But what the heck is going on with me… Is it a comfort thing?? Either way its been okay, cause I want to take things slow..


    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #1836
    • Total Posts: 73


    I had a bad day yesterday,

    (before I get into that, let me say this…) I’ve been chatting and hanging with the girl from the other night everyday since that date. I really like her and (from what I can tell) she really likes me. We’ve been really connecting and feelings are developing pretty quickly. Aside from kissing and touching, we haven’t crossed any boundaries (sex). She has LOTS of qualities that I love in a woman; we click perfectly, we can just sit and talk for hours…. and I mean hours. I learned that she also is recently out of a relationship and that her ex still reaches out to her. She says she doesn’t want him anymore but that her feelings get mixed sometime. One other point to make … She younger than me by a good amount… She very mature for her age.. due to family arraignments she was forced to grow up at a young age. she’s 20 and I’m 29 (eek). I’ve actually only dated older women and never found myself attracted to younger ones. I could never stand immaturity in a women. With that being said, I find her to be very mature and also have intelligent conversations with her

    Two questions…

    (1) Are we developing real feelings for each other or are we experiencing a rebound relationship?

    (2) Is the age thing a problem?

    Finally….About last night.

    I had a dentist appt after work… dentist is near ex’s house. Long story short, I drove by… (stupid move…I know) she wasn’t home. I hung around for a few mins (even stupider move) she got home within 10 mins. She didn’t see me (at least I’m pretty sure she didn’t).

    I was doing so so well and I f’d it up!! I started thinking about what she was doing, where she was coming from, who shes been talking to… AAAAAAHHHHHH its killing me again. Its like I reignited the pain. I’d feel ten time worse if she had seen me..

    I know its too late and whats done is done… I know there’s nothing I can do but continue NC.. But I just want to talk to her one last time.. Even if it’ll be the last time.. Kinda seeking closure.. But is that what I really want… or do I just want to talk to her again?


    I thank you all for being here…

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #1414
    • Total Posts: 73

    I had a date tonight……. IT WENT GREAT!!

    I had a blast!!

    P.S. I was a good boy ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #1167
    • Total Posts: 73


    Good Story!! Almost exactly my situation.. Thank you for the post.. It really helped me…

    I will continue NC. Tuesday will be 2 weeks. It’s been tough but I appreciate having all of you here for support.

    I had a date on Friday night; it went well but….. Well.. you guys know..IT WASN’T HER ๐Ÿ™

    I hope your right Mordecai.. I’ll take a 95% chance..


    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #1047
    • Total Posts: 73


    “he asked me out twice and every time i brought some excuses..”

    That sounds like someone making the first step to try and reconnect with someone. Maybe, he didn’t flat out ask you to be his GF again.. But it seems to me that he was trying to work his way there…

    I think you should do whatever makes you happy… But NC, In my opinion, will bring him back again..


    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #1039
    • Total Posts: 73


    Was it a new realization that you didn’t want to get back with him.. Cause it seems that you accomplished what you wanted with NC. HE came back and wanted you.. SO, then why did you break away again..


    I’m 29 from So Cal..(I asked you guys and didn’t say about myself)

    in reply to: deleting photos #1028
    • Total Posts: 73


    Thanks for the thoughts, I will continue NC…. I have signed up for Kevin’s email and they are helping..But you bring up a good point.. “Facebook”

    K.W, Dara, A.Z, David,

    I know that Kevin mentions the use of social media…. I Don’t Have a facebook.. Actually, My ex didn’t either.. We were both kinda against it. I personally never cared for it, so I never wanted one.

    Do you think it would be a good Idea to start one up?

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