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  • in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #3863
    • Total Posts: 73


    I’m not sure if you just want me to answer the questions directly; but here it goes:

    Would guys choose to break up even when they still have feelings?

    This question varies from guy to guy; at least I would think it does..
    For me, no. If I had feelings for a girl, I would try to make things work out.

    Is it really easy for guy to pretend that they love someone?

    Unfortunately, I would have to say yes. I’ve seen it many times over and over where guys have led girls on. THIS DOES NOT MEAN ITS WHATS GOING ON IN YOUR SITUATION; but I’ve seen so many situations where the girl thought that he was so in love with her and he was doing everything and anything he wanted behind her back.

    Please note that every situation is different. I think its too soon to worry about any of this. Keep working hard and studying..


    in reply to: Oldies #3714
    • Total Posts: 73


    I did good yesterday… I DID NOT DRIVE BY HER PLACE…

    Two things, I should have been doing and wasn’t.. (going to the gym and reading relationship rewind) I finally did yesterday after work.

    I know going to the gym is part of Kevins plan; but the problem for me was that I was already an active gym member.. In fact, the ex and I went together like everyday. After the breakup, I stop going cold turkey. The gym only reminded me of her more and more. However, I’ve noticed that some of my depression was linked to my lack of physical activity.

    So yesterday, I went to the gym and while I was doing my cardio, I began reading relationship rewind on my phone. I actually felt good…

    This morning was another dull and depressing time (as all mornings are for me); But I’m hanging in there.

    Here’s the part that hurts the most.. As I start getting better without her and getting use to not having her.. I can’t help but feel that she is also getting use to not having me around. WOW!! Even now, that thought makes me want to contact her at this very moment…………AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #3711
    • Total Posts: 73

    Dara & Mordecai,

    We are definitely all the same age (me: 29) and I can’t believe at almost the age of 30, I’m having so much trouble over a woman.

    As Mordecai mentioned, I too lose hope everyday that she will ever contact me again. The note about wondering how many guys they’ve banged… Tore me up. I hate to think of her doing that.. But I’m sure she def will sooner or later.

    A part of me wants to never contact her again until she contacts me. I guess, I just wanna know that she also wants me. With her stubbornness and pride, I highly doubt she ever will….

    Should I plan now for the possible phone call/text/email? Like what I would say to her… I know Kevin’s plan included some direction on how to respond to her contacts.. I think I should reread that part … But then I wonder if Im only giving myself false hope..


    in reply to: Oldies #3706
    • Total Posts: 73


    I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. YES!! Stay away from the smokes and drinks. Get better soon!!


    I’m sorry bro!! I hate that my situation reminds you of your ex. I know I hate to be reminded of her, I can only imagine how you feel. Look at the bright side; (even though, I want her back like hell) youre most likely helping me get over someone who will always remain a b*tch her whole life. I feel bad calling her that, but if you heard the words out of her mouth, you’d agree. It stems from the lack of respect that created when I became a doormat.


    What’s Yum Cha? I love trying new foods; that sounds like something I would like!!

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #3634
    • Total Posts: 73

    Thats crazy Dara!!!! Don’t Do it!! Thats so weird that you said that… I also had the same exact thought. Go to her place after work and just say I’m sorry.. should I?

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #3622
    • Total Posts: 73


    To start…. I failed… Not at NC.. But at not going to her house… In fact, not only did I drive be her house on Saturday. But I stayed there all day and all night. She didn’t come home. Not until Sunday afternoon (she still wasn’t there) did I finally give up and leave. I’ve had a million thoughts go thru my head.. guessing where she was or what she was doing… I still have those thoughts.

    The only good thing is what you said Mordecai, Technically as far as she knows, I still haven’t broken NC. That’s the only positive thing I can say. Not sure if Im gaining any power.

    I went out with friends, I’ve been doing it a lot lately…. DOESN’T HELP!!!

    I’ve been talking to and get a bunch of numbers from new women… DOESN’T HELP!!

    I think I’m going to look into a therapist.

    I can’t shake it.. I don’t think she will ever contact me again.. I want to hate her but I Don’t…. I love her so so much.

    Unlike Mike I wasn’t the best when I with her…. NOT SAYING IT WAS ALL MY FAULT.. But I’d overreact to her attitude/pride/put downs/bad mouthing/disrespect in the wrong way…. I’d lose it…

    I know you read that last part and wonder why I still want that relationship.. Its because all that started when I became the doormat. before that, there really wasn’t much disrespect.

    I don’t know what else to say other than I think I need professional help. I’m not productive at all at work. I sit and cyber stalk trying to find her.. (instagram/ FB)

    in reply to: Oldies #3175
    • Total Posts: 73

    a.z and dara…. I’m happy for you two.. But your making me sick!!! LOL!!! I’m just kidding.

    I’m much closer to a.z than dara, I wanted my shot… 🙁

    I’m not over my situation so it probably would never work…..

    Dara… you are a lucky guy!!! LOL.


    Check out a recent post from an Andy.. He’s in Melbourne and is currently going thru it. I figured it would be nice if he heard from someone near by.


    I hope everyone is doing well today… I’ve been having a really rough week, but I am trying to be in good spirits today. Of course, with the weekend coming I cant help but wonder what the hell she’ll be doing!!



    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2756
    • Total Posts: 73

    Side Question… Have any of you signed up for Kevin’s emails?

    I’ve been signed up for a while now… However that emails I’ve been getting lately have included a link (not relationship rewind) to another site. That site is not something I would expect from kevin…..

    Has anyone else seen these links… Is that the intended site that kevin suggests subscribing to?

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2754
    • Total Posts: 73

    Good!!! That’s what I thought….

    I want her back so bad…. but I’m starting to feel, even if she does contact me; we are still going to be a long way from getting back together.

    Thanks for all the advise Mordecai…. and everyone else!!

    Mordecai, the more I hear your story the more I realize how similar it is to mine!!

    Hope I’m talking to her too in the near future.

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2740
    • Total Posts: 73

    That’s a beautiful name, from where is its origin?

    SoCal here BTW…

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2737
    • Total Posts: 73

    Cali!?!?! North or South?

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2734
    • Total Posts: 73

    Thank A.Z. I dont know what I’d do without all of you……


    Where are you located? I see A.Z and think Arizona..

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2729
    • Total Posts: 73

    YOU GUYS ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!

    I hate that I keep doing that to myself… I just saw your replies. Unfortunately, I went by there again this morning. I actually saw her head out to work.. I am taking your advise and not doing that anymore…

    Again, I don’t think she saw me but it was close.. Your comment scares me though, “she’ll be looking out with eyes in the back of her head” Yikes!!! I really hope she hasn’t seen me…

    Mordecai/A.Z/ All, She would let me know if she saw me right?!?!?! Personally, I think she would call me private or email me saying….. Get the F**K away from my house!! I’m going to call the cops and get a restraining order!!

    EITHER WAY, to avoid all this mess… I will NOT go there anymore..

    I will continue NC….

    in reply to: deleting photos #2585
    • Total Posts: 73


    I hope your doing well… I need a little help here..

    in reply to: Is it over?? Please Help #2584
    • Total Posts: 73

    AHHHHH!!! Please help!! I did it again today….. I drove by her house again this morning (6am). She WASN’T HOME!! Now I have a million things going on in my mind..


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