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  • in reply to: mission get the girl back #3493
    • Total Posts: 46

    After NC, if you have a plan, then I would say go for it. If it doesn’t bother you too much, you don’t have to remove the status on social media. It may mean that she still isn’t over you and that you still have a chance. When you do meet her, be sure to show your positive changes, always be kind, nice and gentle (:

    • Total Posts: 46

    Great that you know it’s not just your fault in the relationship and that he has mistakes too. All of these positive changes about you are good. To get out of false friendship, you have to show him that you want to be more than just friends. Dont be afraid to hold his arm when crossing streets, etc. Since you two have history together, it wont be hard getting intimate with him. Don’t rush things because it might lead him to breakup again. After a couple of times hanging out with your friends while he is there, you can ask him to take you out to dinner. Be sure to be yourself and don’t try to act something you’re not, he wants to see how much you’ve changed.

    in reply to: Oldies #3489
    • Total Posts: 46

    Oh I see Rihanna, dont worry I’m sure he will regret it one day. It’s good that you respect his decision (: I live in San Francisco, and go to uni at San Diego. SF is a great place, foggy sometimes but cooler than most places. I like SD too, the weather is always sunny. I love cooking! Although it takes a lot of practice to get better, it’s a great skill to have. I want to visit OZ someday, hopefully soon after I get my degree and a job hehe

    in reply to: Oldies #3487
    • Total Posts: 46

    Thanks sunshine, I’ve just had a look, good luck in your exams this month! Where are you from?

    • Total Posts: 46

    Hey sunshine,

    I just read your story and it seems like you have a good chance on getting back together. You knew your mistake from the start and respected his space. I’m happy for you for this. I was also in school while breakup with my ex, it was difficult to focus. Remember all of our supports in saying you will get back with him and believe that you will. This will help you focus in your work. Besides, if you don’t Ace your exams, how can you stay right? (: The best news he can hear is that you’ve passed your exams and found a job here. Work on your goals and in time, he will find you. You seem very kind and respectful, even if he is too busy right now, I’m sure that he is thinking of you everyday. As I remember, long distance relationship is hard, but when you two meet up, it’s the happiest moment. So take this time right now, focus in your exams and do well, don’t worry about anything. You are in a good state, keep it up!

    • Total Posts: 46

    Yeah Giulia, I think that’s a good idea. Maybe leave the phone and texting for later, just make sure you know what his intentions are and understand the reasons behind breakup before getting back together. I hope you have fun and best of luck! Keep everything light and cool, don’t think too much! Be yourself.

    in reply to: Oldies #3481
    • Total Posts: 46

    Wow I want to go Sydney, my friend is there. Thanks for your support, I read the letter that you’ve sent to your ex before. I cant believe he isn’t all over you, I wish the best for you and that you will have happiness in life.

    • Total Posts: 46

    Improving yourself is the right path. When you said you dont think he’s the type of person to text you even when both of you are together, that’s just an assumption. Let him make the plans for you. I also thought that there’s no way that my ex will initiate contact with me, it was always me asking how she was doing for months, but I was wrong.

    If you dont give him the chance to contact you, how do you know he wants you? You said you are more active, confident, happy, fun, then you have to show him that. Try giving him 1-2 weeks of no contacting him. If he doesn’t text you then you can text him to have a drink or lunch, he will see the new you.

    in reply to: Oldies #3468
    • Total Posts: 46

    Rihanna! How have you been lately, have you moved on from your ex? What have you been up to? You live in OZ?

    Steve, it’s great to hear that you’re doing well. Whats your favorite beer to drink? Thanks for your kind words and support.

    • Total Posts: 46

    Hey Giulia,

    After reading what happened, you have to know why he said that he was breaking up with you out of nowhere. You dont want him to be coming in whenever he wants because he knows you’ll want him back. Falling out of attraction and then leaving you doesn’t seem right.. what if he said the same thing next time? It has to be his idea to come back to you if you want the relationship to hold strong. If I were you, I wouldn’t text him, I would wait for him to text you. If you dont want him to break your heart again, he has to be the one chasing you.

    in reply to: mission get the girl back #3463
    • Total Posts: 46

    (: that’s great Adam, keep it up and stay happy. Keep working on your goals, women love it.

    in reply to: I did the break up..Now i want her back #3456
    • Total Posts: 46

    That’s great to hear! Keep it up, be sure to hold on to her this time (:

    in reply to: Thinking bout #3454
    • Total Posts: 46

    It is up to you whether to unblock or keep her blocked. Blocking her means that are less lines of communications open. There’s really nothing you can do about her current bf, try to focus on yourself and not think about what she’s doing.

    in reply to: Rebound or not? #3446
    • Total Posts: 46

    Start off with a memorable text of you two, similar to the ones in the guide. Keep things light and don’t mention problems about relationship. Try to develop a friendship first and dont rush things too soon. Let it be her idea to get back. Stay cool.

    in reply to: Help with complicated NC and Rebound or not? Thank you #3445
    • Total Posts: 46

    No one knows you better than yourself, if you don’t think you stand a chance then why bother? Having this fear of losing him to her will only make you weaker. You have to regain confidence and also accept that you may lose him. Whether he gets back with you or not, YOU are still growing. You are improving yourself and reaching for your goals in life, with or without him. That’s how you would attract not just your ex, but many people out there.

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