Will he come back again?

Me and this guy met and instantly fell in love. It was fast and maybe too fast. We loved each other too much and quickly became each others worlds. We were always together and basically lived together since the beginning.
We had 2 amazing years but he soon graduated and got a high stress job quickly after. I was in the final year of college and working part time as a waitress, so i was full of stress as well. Because of change in management he suddenly lost his job after only a few months working there, we had just moved into our place and suddenly couldn’t afford to continue living there. I didn’t react in a way that made him feel supported or concerned for what we would need to do. I just didn’t know how to respond and tried to avoid the situation. He was upset he was losing his job and all i could say was…I liked this apartment…
I offered we could live near by at my parents since there were extra rooms but decided I would move home and he would stay with his friend and his friends fiance. I took it hard since we were always together. Separation anxiety. I feared getting hurt and left behind. In an argument I told him maybe I haven’t been fully supportive because I was holding myself back, I wasn’t sure about a future together. I was lying. I didn’t want to be the weak one with those hopes and i was scared to lose it. He was hurt because he was ready to go all the way someday. I wasn’t the support he needed at this time. I started to get paranoid, needy, and jealous. His friend had to leave for business for 3 months so it was only him and the fiance. The fiance is a really active person and cooked and took care of him. I was envious and wanted to be that person to take care of him and be with him. I was insecure. She was insulted by me and banned me from coming if she was there. it made his living situation more difficult because he had to deal with his best friends fiances hate towards me and accepting his friends kindness of letting him stay. He decided we needed a break. I was crushed. We somehow made it through and it was better but my insecurities came back and I wasn’t able to show him the support he needed. He broke up with me a couple months later after a huge drunken argument that included how I was not fully in the relationship when he was and i was not supportive.
I was devastated. After a over a month of hardly any contact, returning thing small things, pets, etc. he called me and asked me if I wanted lunch. We met and talked. Soon after we felt a rush of feelings for each other and began dating again. We tried to keep it slow but eventually I was living with him again.
We were happy, he had a great job and was doing really well I was working too. but deep down he still resented me a little for the past and I started to get comfortable again. He was back and I was happy. I thought things could be the same as before. But his expectations had grown and in his eyes I wasn’t fully committing like before or as much he was. we fought about this every so often. I tried to work harder each time but I kept falling into that comfortable zone.
Then this past year I was told I would be laid off at the end of the year, soon after our cat died suddenly, my car broke down and not repairable, i couldn’t find a new job. I got depressed, negative, lazy, gained weight, i didn’t do anything. we got in that fight about my level of commitment, laziness, and procrastination. He decided we couldnt end the fight the same way where we went to bed and work up ignoring and forgetting and repeating. it had to be different this time. He told me to leave. I got angry, drunk while waiting for my friend to pick me up, and yelled he didnt care about me as i left and as he was trying to help carry my things.
I hear from a friend that we are on a break the next day. A few days later I find out he has decided we are broken up and moved all my things out ready to go to my parents. changed the locks and told me to never try to come see him or reach out to him. He didnt want to see me, had nothing left to say, there were plenty opportunities before, He said he loved me, he had no intention of breaking up before but i hurt him too much, he wanted to move on, and cant be in a relationship with me anymore. same as before. eventually we agreed to talk to be about the breakup if i promised it was the last time. We met in public and he had a friend with him. I told him i loved him, i missed him, i sorry for not being there for him, and i hope we can be happy the next time we see each other. He wouldnt let me touch him, hug goodbye, or even handshake.
We spent 5 years together. We had ideas of marriage, a house, names for our kids. Do you think he will come back? Do you think he will give me another chance?
He said himself he didn’t want to break up. Will he come around? Is there any hope someday in the future? He still loves me and i know he is hurt and trying to be reasonable and strong. Will he come around again like before?
I’m a wreck, i keep blaming myself, and hating myself for not doing all those simple things, for being lazy, procrastinating and thinking we had enough time.
im sorry its so long. there’s probably so much more to say.

start NC for 2-3 months.follow the plan and make positive changes in your life.you need to impress him and he should see the positive changes in your life so you can attract him again.
I think you do have a chance.
Sign up to kevin’s email series it’ll really help you.

isn’t 2-3 months too long ?

I don’t think so.you should do it in some situations.