So i’m about 2½ weeks into NC, so far so good. I am now starting to wonder what to write him when NC ends. We didn’t really do so much togehter, besides having a great and cozy time at home (we were only togehter for couple of months)
Right now the only thing i can think of os this:
“Was watching TV and came across XXX. Came to think about you and the night we saw it and laughed so much about it, haha. Hope you are doing great”
Would you say i could write that? I’m really nervous to sound desperate or make him think that i have been thinking about him constantly for the last 30 days, since i begged him to give me another chance when he ended it (only the same day he ended it though, haven’t contacted him since) Also, i think he has changed his number, so i have to write to him on facebook, will that be okay? (he deleted me as a friend, he said it was for my own good so that it would be easier for me to move on)
He was the one to end it. He said he really liked me, but couldn’t figure me out, that i didn’t put any effort into us, was partying too much, treated him as a friend with benefits and he wanted more but that i haven’t giving him anything. I understand him, and i think he is right, but im a person who like to take things slow, it was not that i did not wanted to be with him, but i think it scared be a little that i went forward very quick (talked about moving togehter etc.). I told him that if he just gave me one chance i will show how much i really want this, but he said it was too late and that i would have shown it myself if i really wanted it.