So me and my ex broke up ( he ended it ) and I decided to block his number and try get my head sorted we went 3 months no contact. He reached out to me on Instagram after 3 months and said he was really sorry and that he missed me. I didn’t reply as I was shocked then he replied again and said I know I messed up and I know you was so good to me hope we can talk and meet. I replied and said it’s a shame what happened I only wanted best for you we really got on and you hurt me.
His been saying he wants to meet up with me and talk to me properly about things he said his had some growing up to do and had load of stress in his life. ( basically what happened was his friend killed himself and he got a new job in the city the same time this happened and he got so under pressure he was drinking a bit and not caring for himself and taking the stress out on me )
Iv said I’d happily meet him I said I don’t hate you I’m just abit hurt and I care for you. We haven’t met yet he said he would sort out meeting me not sure if this will happen or when.
One night we was generally texting about family and life in general all going well and I said oh I was invited to a family party near your place saddly I’m not going as I’m not well at the moment. And he said that’s a shame I would of have loved to gone with you why don’t we go. And I thought to myself wow what a thing to say my cousin even thought that was abit of a mad comment. So I replied back with well I’m actually not going I’m poorly at the moment and the invite was last minute I was just talking in general. I don’t know if he thought I was lying but I’m not. And anyways why would you invite your ex to a family party haha. Anyways from that conversation he said his been busy and tired and I said oh I’m really sorry to hear that hope you’re ok Iv not been feeling good myself.
I haven’t heard from him in 3 days Iv left it really Iv been poorly in bed and I didn’t want to come across overly keen and annoying clingy. So I left it 3 days and I reached out to him tonight and said how you doing did you have a nice weekend. His not opened the text message or anything.
I’m slightly paranoid I’m not gonna lie that perhaps he thinks I don’t want to see him or him be around my family or something I don’t know and don’t know if his got slightly annoyed or he is generally really busy and not felt well.
Basically am I doing this right? Like I’m worried I’m saying the wrong things? And also I don’t want to rush anything with him. What are your thoughts? Would be much appreciated.
He’s been stressed and tired lately, so give him a few more days (if he doesn’t reply to the text message you sent tonight) and then send one more message to ask how he’s feeling and when he wants to meet up.
He text me back this morning saying he had a busy weekend and his phone broke so couldn’t text or call but his ok and he asked how I was doing. I haven’t replied back I’ll reply back tonight don’t want to cause him any issues while at work or anything. I don’t tend to text him during day anyways you know think it’s respectful thing to do I guess.
I think this new job is causing him a lot of stress. I don’t think it’s very good for him. But if it’s something he wants to do then guess that’s down to him to consider.
I just hope it doesn’t affect our friendship or relationship really.
As when we first met things were so good and he was in less of a stress job and seemed happy. But when things happened with one his friend and the new job it went tits up and he ended things and we lost touch for 3 months.
I want to take things slow with him I don’t want to rush anything. But I’d love to meet him see how his doing and see if there’s something there between us still.
It’s nice his reached out to me but I still worry about his health and worry his still not in right mind set. But guess I can’t tell if I haven’t met him yet and see what he looks like ect. Actions speak louder than words I guess.
@kathleen I think you’re doing the right thing by waiting to message him in the evening, especially since that’s been your pattern to not interrupt his work day:) And yes, taking things slow is an excellent idea. Hopefully he will ask to meet up with you soon…
We had only been dating 5 months which is a massive shame as things were going really well then BAM things went abit crazy with the new job offer, losing his mate, stress & drinking.
I don’t want people to think oh for heavens sake grow up its not like years or anything like that.
@kathleen It will take time to recover from the loss of his friend, but job stress might remain until he settles in at the workplace. And drinking doesn’t help. But don’t despair. I’m sure he appreciates you being so supportive. I know you’re concerned about his stress and health, but don’t become a nag about it. Just be there for him when he needs you.
Thank you Patricia means a lot responding to my posts.
No definitely not being a pest or anything like that I’m never on him all the time with texts or anything. That would be rather annoying when you’re stressed & have stuff going on. I wouldn’t like it if I was stressed out & busy.
I get that completely and hopefully I’ll never come across like that haha. Hopefully I just come across supportive for him.
We had abit of a heart to heart conversation tonight which I guess was nice but I also didn’t want it to go too deep so I was trying to keep it light.
I’m in no way wanting to rush something as my feelings were hurt and I don’t want either of us falling out.
I do hope we meet face to face though and I can also see how his getting on. I was concerned about his weight ect noticed that dropped when all this started so would be nice to see if his looking healthy. BUT like said I’m not rushing into anything and not pestering him. Hopefully that’s right thing to do.
@kathleen, Yes, it sounds like you’re doing the right things:) One thing I would add: don’t ask to get back together and don’t ask him his feelings about you! He might be stressed and confused right now… Give him time to sort out his thoughts and feelings on his own.
Is he the one to contact you tonight? Did he ask to meet up? If not, don’t pressure him about it…
No I haven’t once mentioned
Let’s get back together and haven’t once mentioned about meeting up. I said ‘ I’ll leave that down to you when you’re free I’m in no rush ‘ that’s what I wrote.
I also haven’t asked what his feelings are towards me or anything as I kind of want to see his own thoughts on me you know let them flow and not force anything. He has said he misses me and realizes what I done was trying to be really good to him his said that on his own.
We did have a bit of a issue over The Weekend I must say. He kind of went abit flakey on me and not sure why. He said he was up for going to this party with me on Saturday I said yeah sure here the details I said will be fun and relaxed and good atmosphere. Then the morning of the party he completely switched and I’m not sure why he wrote saying
This is all abit much i think you think we’re in a relationship and I feel really awkward sorry I won’t be attending.
I was in complete shock angry and hurt by that.
I wrote back saying where on earth has this come from Iv never said we’re together where did you get that from and you wanted to come and now you don’t and I’m sorry if made you feel awkward and if I make you feel that way then perhaps we shouldn’t be talking. It kind of makes me think his just made an excuse and gaslighted me to flake not meeting. I’m not sure if it’s because his still confused, maybe drinking still, mental health still not correct or his insecure I really don’t know.
Anyways after a few hours later I was at the party with friends and he text me saying I wish I was there with you shame I can’t drive there as I’m down at the pub so can’t drive and I wish I could give you a big kiss. I wrote back saying you could of came and I think there’s been a miss communication somewhere And it’s a shame and wish tonight planned out differently.
Now that’s happened Iv kind of stepped back and not texting him as I think perhaps he needs to reflect on what on earth happened. And I’m also abit upset that it kind of seemed like it was my fault.
His blamed me before for things like gaslighted I feel like and I don’t like that at all. Honestly all Iv done is try be nice & supportive of the guy because of what his been going through but I’m like treated abit poorly. So I think perhaps best thing for me to do now is not contact him and see if reaches out. Hopefully you’ll agree that’s best option after reading this?
@kathleen WOW! He sounds messed up. I’m wondering if he drinks a lot more than you think. Have you had any clues about that? If he has a drinking problem, he would have most likely tried to hide it from you for the 5 months you were dating him.
I don’t like that he blames you for things! Yes, do no contact and think about whether he is the right guy for you. Surely you could find someone who treats you better!
Yes, take things very slowly is the best advice all round. He may have contacted you when he felt low and needed the comfort of knowing you were still there for him to feel better. It’s very difficult to know what’s really going on with him because of the drinking, maybe if he does reach out it would be good for you to have a short phone conversation so you know for sure it’s not the drink talking.
I noticed he was drinking more after his friend killed himself and he started the new job. So I put it down to stress of everything. Then it kind of got worse and worse that’s when he ended things with me and I decided to block him for 3 months as I couldn’t deal with any longer.
Before that he seemed pretty chilled out guy. His family seemed lovely and chilled out too. I see no warning signs. After that 3 months period he reached out to me on social media and apologized to me and said his in a better path in life and is growing up. I said I was extremely worried about him and all I wanted to do was be nice and help.
The 3 months of no contact is probably not long enough for someone to turn their life around. And perhaps he needs to seek some Counselling for the loss of his friend and also the pressure of this new job.
My dad worked in the city and he went through the same thing he went into drinking so much due to the stress. City jobs can be really stressful and Iv seen it first hand. I don’t think this guy is settled at all you know in this new job I don’t think it’s healthy for him.
We’ve not been in touch since Saturday neither of us have reached out. Iv kept the no contact going. Hopefully that’s the best thing to do.
He is meant to have a meeting near my town soon not sure if that’s still going ahead or not sure but he said after the meeting he wanted to take me to some food. Perhaps I should wait and see if he reaches out about that. He wanted to properly talk to me and explain what’s been going on but I don’t want to put pressure on that situation.
Hopefully Iv done the right thing.
Sorry if I sound pathetic sometimes I suffer with anxiety.
@kathleen I’m a little confused. Did he mention the meeting when you were texting on Saturday? Is it a business meeting? You say it will be soon. Did he give you an exact day the meeting will take place? If he confirms plans to take you out for food, I think you should accept and see him in person, but stay on guard. Don’t blindly accept whatever he says. He hasn’t treated you properly lately. And of course he hasn’t turned his life around in just 3 months. Look what he did to you on Saturday! I agree with you that he would benefit from counseling. Maybe you could suggest it whenever you see him…
Sorry for the confusion No He mentioned he had a meeting wayy before with what happened Saturday.
He said he would be in my home town I believe this Friday or next Friday ( I deleted the text when I decided to go no contact Sunday morning So forgotten exactly when ) and he wanted to take me for some food and drinks after his meeting and to talk properly about things. That is what he said.
I said yeah sure. And obviously I don’t know if that’s still going to happen or not I kind of have left it down to him hopefully that’s the right thing to do considering with what happened on Saturday?
‘ I can’t call you right now babe sorry it’s really loud in this pub ‘
I wrote ‘ no worries, look after yourself and i wished tonight had planned out differently seemed to have been abit of a miss communication’
That’s how things were left on Saturday’s text then Sunday morning I decided to go no contact and delete the WhatsApp chat as it was all abit up in the air and still feel kind of hurt too with everything
I haven’t a clue if his meeting is still taking place or not I didn’t think would be a good idea for me to mention as I may come across annoying? I was hoping he’d reach out and tell me the full details that’s IF it’s happing his meeting ( his work ) and then to see eachother for food and chat afterward.
I hope I make more sense sorry If I say anything confusing
@kathleen Yes, it’s best to leave it up to him whether he confirms the meetup or not. He was at a pub on that Saturday and mentioned taking you for food and drinks. Be careful as he might have a drinking problem, but I hope not.
Please keep us posted as to what happens next… Take care of yourself:)
Ok I’ll see if he reaches out meeting up. Like said I can’t remember if it was this Friday or next that his meeting is in my home town I deleted the text message.
But I’ll leave that up to him. I haven’t text him or chased him. I’m not that type of person anyways. So hopefully I don’t come across clingy or anything I would hate to think I came across like that.
If I hear from him I’ll let you know what he says.
And yes you’re right he could well still have a drinking problem as 3 months isn’t a long time to get your act together. Also I think he might have commitment issues right now aswell his not said but kind of sense it.
Thank you for writing back to me I appreciate it. Sometimes you feel alone and don’t want to bug friends.