Were still in love but he wants to be single

So for a little background my ex and I were together for 11 months and spent maybe 4 of those months long distance but we managed to get closer and fall more in love. We never fought or disagreed on anything (weird I know) our relationship flowed naturally and were still best friends. He’s back in college now and we broke up 2 weeks ago when he was home for break. His school is about a 2 hour drive so its not like I wouldn’t be able to see him now. His reasoning was that he wants to be single and focus on himself and hopefully revisit the relationship over the summer. Already he’s hooked up with other girls but still calls and texts me all the time and everything is the same, we still say we love each other and miss each other and use nicknames and blow kisses over the phone. I know I should go no contact but he’s truly my best friend and I cannot lose him completely. I really want to get him back before summer if anyone has some advice or has gone through something similar I would love to hear your stories. Thanks for reading!

“…were together for 11 months and spent maybe 4 of those months long distance but we managed to get closer…” What does get closer mean? Closer in distance?

You can’t force a reconciliation if he wants to be single. If he’s in college, I assume you’re both very young. Maybe he wants more experience with other women while he’s still young or maybe he never had much experience in the first place.

Saying he loves you, but hooks up with other girls is a little strange and sounds insincere. Then the fact that he’s calling and texting, seems like he takes you for granted. Maybe go no contact for a month or more so he gets the chance to miss you and reconsider the breakup.

He said, “…hopefully revisit the relationship over the summer.” Sad to say, but if that’s what he wants, you will either have to try reconciliation over the summer OR move on.