Very confusing situation, need advice

My girlfriend and i broke up 3 months ago after 2 and a half years with no arguments with her saying that she had lost feelings, it was all very sudden and shocking for me but i belive she lost feelings due to me being needy and clingy and pushing when she tried to pull away. After a small amount of begging and pleading on the day of the breakup she asked for some space, but then continued to message me every now and then and even her asking me to go comfort her when she was feeling down for a reason she didnt not understand she said how she needed to sort her head out before we could fix the relationship giving me false hope. After a few more weeks she then decided thats she didnt want too get back together and she had to go with her gut. I entered a 2 week no contact period and then sent an elephant in the room text apologising for my needy and clingy behaviour and asking if we could remain in contact,she agreed and said how it took balls for me to say what i had said. We exchanged messages once or twice a week with me mainly initiaing but in the past couple weeks she has been initiating if i do not make contact for a few days.

Recently she has been acting very strangely, attempting to make me jealous by talking about a friend from work who she constantly argues with and even saying she was going shopping with him when i could see her little sister in the background of a snap she posted. Yesterday during an hour long phone call she made a comment about how men are more complicated than women because they have no balls and dont say what they feel and after in a texting conversation she asked if mutual friend has told me she was playing hard to get which he had not done. Later on in that conversation she made another comment asking why i was keeping the conversation going but when i replied to say that if thats how she felt she had too do was say she said nah im just saying we dont have to talk and then carried on the conversation. Today i realised she had deleted me on snapchat but not other social media and now i am very confused and wondering what my next steps should be.

Thanks for any advice im advance