Urgent advice, help getting ex back.

I been with my ex gf for a year, I cheated on her multiple times I didn’t realise what I had till it gone, I broke up with her around a month ago, I said she was overweight and reason I wasn’t able to perform during sex. I want her back but obviously she doesn’t trust me, but been to the doctors and they said I may have something called Cyclothymia, I am over my cheating days and all I want is her but she thinks it’s just a phase and has now started to see other lads, I’m afraid that I have lost her forever, but she says we will see, I’m assuming she is seeing if it is one of my phases; which it isn’t I genuinely love the girl. We still are seeing each other a couple of times a week, she is saying she obviously doesn’t want to rush things as she doesn’t want to miss out on opportunity with another lad that may give her everything i couldn’t. But I really need advice nothing negative (I know I’m scum) just realistic advice. Cheers.


If you really think that you won’t cheat on her again, tell her that you understand if she finds it difficult to trust you and that you’re willing to give her some time and that you will earn her trust again.

I don’t suggest you to start NC cuz I think it may backfire. Just be good to her and see how things go.

Good luck