Tricky Situation... Advice needed

Basically. Not so much of an ex. Someone i’ve dated and spoken to daily for 10/11 months.

I got talking to someone roughly 10/11 months ago, and the conversation was flowing. We held of meeting, until February of this year. We met and it was great. We then met again later that month.

Time went on, and we havent met since (6 months on), yet we’ve spoken daily ever since, phone calls etc etc. Wake to early morning text messages, before work, during work, after work, late at night.

Around July time she told me this ‘Friend’ had feelings for her, basically loved her. She told me she felt the same but they couldn’t ever be together (religion) and it was a situation she needed to get out of. She has constantly gone back and hurt herself, even after he claimed he no longer had feelings or loved her. (I guess eh got involved with someone she shouldn’t have, or genuinely thought they could be just friends and it’s all gone wrong.)

Has told me several times how she messed up, its her fault, only she could get into this situation. I know theyve slept together and i’ve ome to terms with that, accepted it and carried on.

We sort of mutually agreed to not talk 7 days ago (She told me she was possibly going away for the weekend with this other guy, not sure why she told me?). She claimed she had no idea where this was heading, we havent seen ezch other in months (down to her), she was dealing with me and the other matter and it was all a bit too much, it’d be best if we came to terms with the fact we might never speak again? She told me she could be friends but my feelings for her (I fell for her) meant this was a no go as it stands. I said i migh eventually be able to speak to her but at the moment i couldn’t and needed time to adjust.

Question is what now? Could this work. Should i just give in.

@jimbob29 - If you’ve only met once in 10 months, it must be a long distant thing… which rarely works. Find someone local.


We met twice within the month of February. Then the reason we haven’t seen each other since is the issue with her falling in love with this guy, who also loves her.

Told me originally they were just friends and that’s how it would stay, I had nothing to worry about etc and that they could never ever be together because of religion issues.

Distance isn’t an issue, we’re roughly 30/40 minutes apart.

@jimbob29 - Oops, okay I see where you met twice in February and haven’t seen each other in 6 months. Wonder why you didn’t see her between late February and July? Sounds like way too much texting every day!

She loves the other guy and you’re in the friend zone. There’s nothing you can do or say. If you have strong feelings for her, you will get hurt if you try to be “friends”. The best thing to do is to date others and try to move on. Sorry…


It was to do with the fact that she had feelings for him and didn’t want to get involved with me too. Yet the feelings she had for him, she knows she shouldn’t have.

I had said to her around June/July time about the whole ‘FriendZone’ and that I was ready to walk away. She claimed it wasn’t as easy as that, she doesn’t want to ‘friendzone’ me. She still saw me as someone she could be with, just the situation at the moment was a mess and we couldn’t be together in the foreseeable.

The reason we decided to stop contact was because the situation at the moment isnt healthy. We have no idea where we are going as it stands. She said she was dealing with too much. I said with me out the picture it’s one less thing for her to worry about, she claims it’s not like that at all?

Before we decided to stop talking, she did offer to give me space. I sort of turned my nose up at it and said why? What for?

I can see why you’ve said what you have in terms of the friendzone, there’s just too much to explain here if that makes sense? ?