Hi @lacume,
I don’t know if I’m the person you want to hear this from, but you are too impulsive! I know the urge is strong to contact and reply to them, but you need to fight those urges. The more mysterious you make yourself, the more he will think about you. Also, I believe you are overanalyzing a lot of things. The point of NC is for you to improve yourself and this improved self should INCREASE your chances of getting him back. It is not a surefire way, so the only thing you can do right now is to improve yourself. Get back to where you were and go beyond that!
What’s done is already done, I strongly suggest that you do not contact him or reply to him anymore. It seems like the playing field is tilting towards him because you were readily accessible. You were readily accessible during the two months of “break up”, and you are readily accessible now. You have to make it seem like you’re starting to get over him by doing things for yourself. Go have some fun, enjoy yourself, learn some things about yourself and see what you can improve. Better yet, if there were things that he did not like about you, things that made him not see a future with you, work on those and then when you’re emotionally ready, talk to him.
At this moment, you’re just digging yourself a bigger hole to climb out of. Whenever you have the urge to talk to him or do something that has to do with him, I would say go and preoccupy yourself with something. Sports, games, food, hanging out with friends, exercise, hobbies, etc. The times that you spend alone are the darkest, and most dangerous times. You allow yourself and your mind to run free and go through all of the possible scenarios that could happen. Especially during these times, your most negative scenarios will prevail. You need to be stronger, take a deep breath, and trust that things will work out as time moves along.
There’s one part of the 5 step plan that truly resonated with me: Before you contact your ex, you have to accept the break up and be okay with the fact that you may never get your ex back. As harsh as that sounds, we have to prepare for that. But what you get out of all of this is that you WILL be a stronger person in the end. You will have learned more about yourself than you’ve ever gotten to know. You will be able to withstand a lot more adversity than before. But you must first understand to get to that level, you ABSOLUTELY need to fight through your urges. It’s more of a mentality test than anything. Yes, it will hurt. Yes, it’s a grueling process. Yes, you won’t be able to sleep or eat well. But guess what? Time heals all. There will come a time; a week, two weeks later that you will be able to resume your normal every day life. Don’t let your mind take over. Control yourself because you want what’s best for yourself. Be the best that you can be, not for him, but for you.
I’m sorry if this was a bit intense. It’s because I went through a similar phase that you’re about to go through. I just don’t want someone to suffer as much as I have, it’s absolutely terrifying how the mind can eat you up and spit you out. Please have faith and just push yourself to the limit. I believe in you! 