My ex left me a week ago.
We started very good, going out and doing fun stuff together. It was holidays then. She studied 600km away from me, so when classes started we only saw eachother once a month or so. Things were going great for a year or so. My father died three years ago and I started hating the world. She took that hate away from me.
Then we decided to start living together, (we were only a couple for a year, but we knew each other for five years). That’s when the trouble started. Since we lived together the “i miss you” feeling. I got lazy and didn’t wanna go out anymore. She begged me to go out every weekend, but I preferred watching stuff on my computer. I made her feel lonely.
Not doing things togerher was really bad, it got my hate for the world back. I don’t socialise very well and it’s difficult for me to make friends. Since some months it’s not going well, we barely kiss each other, have had sex only once a week, and feel bad. I know it’s my fault for not going out with her. I treated her badly, sometimes I even insulted her. I also manipulated her to do what I want. I feel terrible.
She really has put all her energy in our relationship. And I’ve been a fool for not seeing what I was doing. Now the only thing I want is being with her, go out with her, you know…
When she broke up with me, I begged her to get back with me, obviously with no luck and after 3 days of trying and having a real bad time I decided applying the no contact rule (that was before reading this site). She has holidays now and will be out for two months. Then she’ll be back two more months, and we’ll stop living togerher.
She has already been kissing other guys the same day she dumped me, and told me she feels something for two of them. I couldn’t believe she had already forgot me, but she said it was some months now that she hasnt been feeling anything for me, she just sees me as a friend.
I know i’ve hurt her and made her feel bad, manipulated her and insulted her. I didn’t do it on purpose though, I’m just very afraid to be rejected, and ironically that got me rejected now. I know I have made her very happy, but I’m not sure that will balance against the bad things I’ve done to her.
What should I do? The no contact is SO HARD, should I just surrender? I’ve really messed up.