So my boyfriend and I just broke up the other day due to constant arguing on my behalf when he isn’t an argumentative person. I’m devastated and wished I’d listened to him all the other times he said about us fighting but I didn’t and now we’re here. It has been 2 days since we spoke and it’s killing me. He’s removed me off fb, changed his dp so i’m not in it, deleted my friends except for my best friend (I can’t understand why he kept her), and now he’s unfollowed me in instagram. I know he’s doing it for himself it just seems like he’s cutting me off like he wants nothing to do with me and each thing that happens is like a kick in the guts. I’m struggling so much like I want him so badly, I miss him. What do you think the reason he kept my best friend was for, its very confusing.
very simple
guys ALWAYS keep the bestfriend because when we start to miss you and realize we are idiots we go to the one person who knows you best. In other words it is a contact line. Leaving the door cracked a little be but not shut! Sounds like a little time for both of you and this situation will resolve itself in a good way
For some reason I don’t think he will contact her so its confusing why he left her and it just sucks he had to remove me from everything, I don’t get it. And I’m just so worried we might not get back together. I want a family with this man someday. Do you think after a month of no contact and his anger fades that he would want to meet up with me. He always said when we fought that it needed to change and we shouldn’t push each other to that extreme and it was so hard on him but I didn’t really change. Its only when somethings gone do you realise what you had and I want to work so hard on changing that but I don’t want it to be too late!
i think for a month you need to no worry about it and if your emotional ready in 30 days then yes contact him. Now let me ask you something. How close are you and your bestfriend really??
bout to show you the male prespective
I just miss him. AS in another forum posted this quote “Even though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending”. This is exactly the mindset I have and I really want us to have an amazing ending. I know I’m probably reading in too much into him keeping my best friend on Facebook though, I’m just hoping its a little sign, just as him not contacting me and asking to be taken off our private health account that we have together.
My best friend and I are pretty close. I’ve known her for a few years and she’s 6 years older than me and quite wise. I’ve been talking to her most about the break up just as I’m sure my ex would expect because she always has good advice. However I’m not digging it haha she’s like don’t get you’re hopes up it probably won’t happen blah blah blah.
But do enlighten me on this male perspective haha. And how do you know that he kept her to not cut it off completely? Have you had experience doing this kind of thing ?
yes i have
and the male prespective (and this was exactly my mindset when i did it in the past) was that he knows your bestfriend is your bestfriend for a reason. He knows that if he were to cut her out then he would completely cut you out. So therefore he has kept her on his page as a way to potentially still think about you
i am assume that they don’t really associate correct? and therefore when she tells you to not get your hopes up she is not talking as someone with inside information but as someone who cares about you and doesn’t want to see you get hurt, correct?
well if my assumption is correct riddle me this. If he seriously went through everything and took the time and effort to effectively cut you out of his life, why not the bestfriend?
because he took all YOUR other friends off, correct?
Yeah he deleted the few of my other friends and me off there. She also sent him a message the night we broke up saying “I’m expecting to be deleted but I just wanted to say thanks for the good times, I enjoyed getting to know you”. He responded “Thanks I just can’t do this with Nat(me) anymore. Look after her for me though”.
So he could have deleted her as she was expecting it and said so to him so it would have made it so much easier. But other than that they don’t communicate. I’m also interested in what he meant by saying “look after her”. I’m probably just reading too much into everything cause I just want to be so hopeful about everything and us in the future.
how long have you done nc?
like i just told someone else on here somewhere
right now (even tho its impossible) dont think about anything related to your ex, I personally asked my boss for more hours, and stay behind in class for unnecessary tutoring. Point is, FOCUS ON YOU for now. After about 30, 60, 90, shit whatever it takes, we all heal differently, let us know your ready to make contact and we will all help you we are all here for each other.
keep me updated if you want and good luck. If you need to know anything else from a guys perspective i am always here
Hahaha well its gonna sound stupid but 3 days. We only broke up the other day and so today is day 3. These first few days have been really hard I’ve been crying heaps and I’ve called in sick to work. I just haven’t been able to work these last few days, especially cause i work in retail its such a downer. I’m a massive clinger obviously haha and am reading into every little thing he’s done, such as deleting me off social media, but keeping my best friend and not asking to be taken off our joint private health.
my girl deleted me off fb before we broke up, says she didn’t know she did, she then DELETED her account. And if it helps as far as the nc is going your doing better. While i am not actually contact her i drive by her place sometimes and its such a self-inflicted hurtful (and stupid with gas prices) thing to do.
you really are looking into it too much lol
go to work, do no contact and be strong! let us know if we can help along the way