Starting to feel discouraged and doubtful about this..

This is only 4th day of No Contact with my ex but broken up for 10 days… I really don’t know how much of this I can take… I’m afraid of how she is it’s not going to work out very well… I feel like she’s the type that if you leave her alone for too long she won’t want anything to do with me anymore… That scares me to death. I just want her back…

I feel the same way. But if we already begged and everything else didnt work, maybe this will.

I just don’t want to be too late… There’s a part of me that thinks this 30 days is too long but another part that doesn’t. She’s always posting depressing stuff on Facebook like “so tired of trying” And “I just want to be happy…”. Like I feel as if they are hidden messages for me but I don’t want to jump on that and just get out back farther than I already am… Anyone have advice??

I am also afraid She Will move on after 30 days… But i know begging won’t help…
I begged her the day She broke up with me and after 8 days of nc, i picked up my stuff and begged again. And guess what, it doesn’t Work.

Only option now is start nc all over again…
So be patient and Work on Yourself first while doing nc

I’ve been working on myself mainly my inner self. I’ve been to church and prayed alot. I’ve had alot of peace but deep down i still feel like she’s going to leave for good :frowning:

man lemme tell you its not gonna be easy. But you must. me and my ex broke up a month ago the coming saturday. She did the same thing on her twitter, empowering herself saying how god has a plan for her and blah blah blah. thing i realized is she’s saying this stuff because she’s hurt. And if she didn’t care then she wouldn’t be bothering doing that stuff. believe in the process! it may not get you two back together (altho it may very well work), but it will help you move on! you must man. I’m 2 weeks into NC and take it from me if u are desperate ur gonna hurt and hurt and hurt. I still hurt but when she blocked me off everything a couple weeks ago it forced me to stop checking her stuff and its helped! i still miss her but i can live without her and if she comeback and messages me saying she misses me and stuff then ill hear her out. But if not then you’ll move on because you don’t deserve to be miserable while she moves on (IF she moves on).subscribe to kevins emails as well… very helpful

and look man i bothered my ex enough to block me form everything. mind you she’s pretty sensitive so that wasn’t that hard… But point being if you don’t leave her alone shell be scared and that’ll make your situation worse. For both you and i we need to realize that we can’t make them want us back. But kevins strategy gets them to want us back ON THERE OWN. And THAT will keep you two together forever. When she realizes she wants you, and not because you contact her to the point where she feels forced into it. Because something like that will never work. If you two had any kind of meaningful relationship shell miss you. It might not be now but in a month or so or less or a little more shell probably miss you. THATS when u get into kevins plan