I recently broke up with my bf about two weeks ago because he was going into a downward spiral. What I mean by this is he stopped taking his depression medicine, started using drugs, and distanced himself from me. I tried to be there for him for awhile. I encouraged and reassured him that everything would be okay and that I would be there whenever he needed me. Well I eventually came to my wits end when he stopped treating me like his gf. He was rude and extremely inconsiderate for my feelings. When I ended things it seemed really easy for him. He didn’t even acknowledge the breakup. Another part of this is that although it didn’t last as long as I liked this was my first relationship and I’m 21 and he’s 22. My question is should I even try to repair things with someone who obviously has more personal problems (drug and emotional issues) or should I just move on?when it comes down to it, I really do care but I feel like even with the no contact thing he’s so off into his own world that he won’t notice or even begin to miss me…
hey i have an idea what your ex bf is going through. i myself was a drug addicted and suffered depression. i only recently broke up with my gf because of my drug use. she was very caring towards me and i took her for granted. she helped me through my addiction for 12 months but she had enough eventually . so she broke up with me. when your on drugs you are off in your own little world and dont seem to care whats going on around you. i know this must be extremely hard for u to see your ex boyfriend destroy himself with drugs. but the only one who can help him is himself. if he wants to sought his life out and get clean he must do it for himself. no one else. i came to this conclusion when my ex broke up with me because i had lost so much and suffered so much pain. im now on the straight and narrow and trying to rebuild my life. my advise to you would be maybe go no contact and worry about yourself for a change. im sure that is what my ex would be doing. if you see no improvement from him i would suggest to move on. if u want you should read my post from earlier today. its titled how do i get my ex gf back with drug and trust issues. i hope this helps. peace out mate and hang in there
When you are the only one willing to do anything for the relationship, it’s time to reevaluate whether or not you are willing to keep on giving of yourself without receiving anything back. It sounds like your boyfriend doesn’t care enough about you to change his behavior, which has nothing to do with you. You are young, if you haven’t had many previous relationships, I could see how this would be a hard decision for you. However, you have to realize that you deserve better. You have given all you can, and now it’s time to let him go. If he truly loves you, he will do whatever it takes to be in your life again. I am sorry you are going through so much pain, but time will take care of that… time to take care of you now.
I can sympathize with what you’re going through! My ex husband had issues with depression that would push him toward suicide and he ended up addicted to several different drugs as well. It’s hard but you can’t make him want to change his life and until he does the situation will just keep hurting you if you stay near it. I think you should try NC for a few months. If he starts to rebuild his life then go for it but if he doesn’t then I strongly suggest moving on. You need to take care of you right now! You deserve to be happy and that shouldn’t depend on someone who is unsure if they want to take care of themselves.
Thanks you everyone for the advice and encouragement!