She's done, I'm not... But

Hey, I’ve been in a long distance relationship for over 8 months now. We were serious, and wanted to be together forever. She told me that she never loved or cared about her boyfriend like she did towards me. Just last week, we broke up, and I couldn’t take it, I missed her, I cared, I was so worried, I was sick, I cried myself to sleep, I tried my best making her feel loved. Texting her, writing poems, everything. Then I tried doing the no contact order. I started about 2 days ago. Just an hour ago, she just texted me saying “you ok?”. I don’t know what to do, if I should just wait it out, see what will happen, or answer. Please help me out, so I wouldn’t make a mistake in losing her.

be jokey, say something like no im devastated Ive lost 20 pounds and havent slept in 3 days … lol im kidding im fine, how’re you?

be light hearted about it

Because it is a long-distance thing, this is a really tough situation. I’ve read some stuff from a site around a year or so ago (and needed some advice once more myself so I came back around), so I don’t known if there was an article or subject about long distance relationships. Have you guys seen each other in person whatsoever or no? I personally believe that physical contact in a relationship is important and so it can negatively impact a relationship without it (again, this is just my opinion based on my experiences). With that being said though, a lot of people who find themselves in a LDR end up happily married.

Moving onward, the fact that it is an LDR has me to believe that a long period of no contact might damage your chances of getting her back. Perhaps try around 2 weeks or so, and then contact her (this will be enough time to clear your mind and work on working on yourself as well as meeting each other in person if you haven’t, and planning another trip to do so if you already have). Keep in mind though that you cannot cling to the idea of getting her back and not allow that single possibility to keep you motivated, as you’ll just end up in a worse spot than you are now if it ends in not getting back together. Just take time for yourself to clear your mind, allow your emotions to stabilize, and view your relationship in a way that you can determine whether or not you actually want to continue it or not. Don’t let your emotions overtake your desire to speak to her (girls don’t like desperation); girls like the attention, but that doesn’t mean they won’t take advance of that in a way that isn’t good for your self esteem. After nc, if you need more time then take it. When you do break it, keep it subtle and lightheared. Try not to flirt heavily, until you see she’s comfortable with your conversations. Then move into r-re-introducing your feelings to her without coming on too strong and see where it goes.

Sorry for the lengthy reply. I hope that helped even slightly, and good luck.

Oh ok, thanks, what if I do and she’s like, well your doing fine then, I guess you don’t need me. Then what, cause I feel that’s what’s going to happen probably

Can I just tell her, hoe I’m really broken, and without you, there’s nothing in life to accomplish. I really don’t wanna loose this girl, I want her to come back and love me, I don’t know man.

Thank you for the advice, I have my hopes up, because just few days ago before the no contact rule, we were on the phone, she said its a 50/50 chance that she will come back, because her birthday day is on a 15 so I mine and our anniversary. But then she said we will
Never get back together, so idk