She is in a rebound.

Hey guys,

So i was with my ex for a year and a half, we shared a huge amount of memories and travelling together, we rarely fought it was pretty much a very solid relationship in which she was far more invested in me than i in her, she moved countries just to be with me, and i knew she was crazy into me. We moved in together a few months ago and due to a few reasons i got a little bit of situational depression and kinda withdrew into my computer, then she had the chat with me that she wanted to breakup. This came as a complete shock to the system as shes normally the one head over heels for me and im always on the front foot, although ive always been loving and caring towards her. I had to live with her for another week before i left due to our living arangements, we spent nearly every day together and i went back to the old me, going for walks with her cooking for her doing everything she loved. She told me she felt some of her feelings come back but didnt want to give it another go. I then caught her making out with another guy, who after i left the house and moved cities i know she has been hanging out with alot. Im99% certain this is a rebound and she had him in her sights for a while. Since ive left she is just pure cold like the breakup hasnt effected her whatsoever. She literally is acting like she has no emotion and pretty much making me feel like i meant nothing to her. I know she hasnt thought about breaking up for a long time because it was only a month before that she wanted us to move into this place together. I know ive been making it easy for her by messaging her alot (which ive stopped now and gone NC) im just wondering, is she truly that cold or is she going to miss all the memories we made together? All the fun times we had? Also i know 100% she was ecstatic about our sex life and i was the best shes had out of alot of previous partners. I know this because i know her as a girl and before we became intimate i saw her tell guys straight up that they was terrible or average etc. So surely she will miss sex with me? Will she contact me if i go NC? Is she feeling so comfortable with the breakup because of this shiny new thing with this guy? I would be able to cope with this breakup fine if i knew she was hurting too but right know i know 100% she is far from hurting.

@mcfcjay - Doing fun things together are not the most important factor of a good relationship. How two people interact with each other in order to make each other happy is most important. If there are personality or character traits that offend or are disrespectful, it will adversely affect the relationship. If one doesn’t pay enough attention as to make the other feel treasured or valuable, feelings will fade.

I don’t know what caused your situational depression, but hopefully you’ve worked through and resolved it. I’m sure she sometimes has fleeting thoughts of the good times you shared, but she is with someone else now and will make new memories with him. Depending on how he treats her, she will be happy or not. As long as she’s with him, do NOT contact her!

There’s no way to know if she will contact you or not, only time will tell! Stop wondering what she might be thinking or doing and try not to obsess about her! For now, focus on yourself and your career, family, friends, and enjoying life. Good luck:)