She blocked me. I need advice.

Before discovering this program I made all the mistakes. I called, texted, acted needy and desperate. A week after we broke up she blocked me from all contact and social media. After another week in which I didn’t have contact I discovered this program.

I am at 30 days of no contact now. The no contact has been the best that I could do since we work together. She and I haven’t said a single word together. She won’t even look at me if she passes by me. I still want to reconcile with her but it is starting to feel like she will never want that.

I am wondering if I should wait longer to send her my letter? Is there even a chance left for me to reconnect with her?

Thanks for any advice.

@buck18ej24 - When you pass at work, be nice and just say “Hi” as you pass. You don’t give much detail at all, but go ahead and send the letter. It can’t hurt at this point…

Well the letter didn’t go well after 30 days of no contact. She messaged me and told me to never contact her again or she will get a protection order. For me I would love to get back with her but I must move on and never look back.

@buck18ej24 - Wow, there must have been some serious issues in the relationship that you didn’t describe. Yes, it’s best to move on, but if you have some sort of bad behaviors, work on them so you will be a good partner in a future relationship. Best wishes…