I have done all the steps to get my ex back. Yesterday it was time to take the step of actually asking my ex to hang out. I asked him if he wanted to get coffee this weekend and he said “sorry I’m going to be out of town this weekend” because he travels a lot for his job. So I’ve been rejected in a way and now I don’t know what to do. It’s almost awkward because I feel really stupid at this point. To sound unbothered I replied with a “oh it’s okay have fun wherever you’re going!” And he said thanks. What do I do now. Do I wait until another weekend to ask again? Do I wait for him to ask me to hang out? Or do I just give up for making a fool of myself?
I would say stay busy for about 2 weeks then try again. If he declines again I would do NC for 30 days.
@ces2000 - Two months ago he said he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, but might hang out sometimes. Then you ask him to hang out and he said he’s going out of town, yet he didn’t suggest another time. Like shesjustmaria advised, go no contact for at least a month and then ask how he’s doing, but do NOT ask him again to hang out! Let him be the one to ask you… Good luck.
Thanks for the advice I really really appreciate it. I have a lot of spring break plans so I’ll have no problem with keeping busy for the next two weeks! I’ll ask him again later. Thanks again xoxo!