Rebound or not?

I read the article about how to tell if it’s a rebound relationship or not and I’m having a hard time telling what do you think?

Dated the girl almost 2 years and we had a great relationship. We never faught and if we did it lasted 5 minutes and that was the end of it. I always gave 100% and put her happiness above mine.

About 5 weeks ago she broke up with me out of the blue ( week before she was telling me how much she loved me and cold see herself with me the rest of her life and all this other shit). She cut off all contact with me and haven’t heard from her since. Now I find out 3 weeks after we broke up she’s talking to a kid she has worked with all summer. I know through am unnamed source that this kid is professing his love to her but I don’t know her responses. Now I go back to school with her in a week and I would like an idea of what it is. My gut is it’s a rebound but I’m not sure. Any ideas?

Yes it sounds like a rebound. stick to the plan to get her back

It sounds to me like a rebound too…
Im dealing with something a little similar although i know more info about my exes new relationship. I dont think you can really be sure exactly what it is with the little information you have. It does sound though that she may be enjoying the attention from him, RIGHT NOW.
Someone once told me “A new toy is more fun than an old toy” but i also think that we are programmed to want what we cant have. I would maybe drop hints to mutual friends that you’re seeing someone new too. Lie about it if you have to. If you guys are still friends on social media, use it to your advantage to make her a little jealous and make her miss you and want what she “can’t” have

That’s a good way to look at it … I know there just talking now so hopefully you guys are right

You two have two years of history together, most likely it is a rebound with the new guy. Instead of thinking about them, find out the real reason for breakup. Even though it’s just 5 minutes of arguing, they add up. Know the reason and fix it yourself to improve yourself. Do it for her, yourself, or your future relationship, try not to repeat your mistakes.

Now my next question is I am going back to school in a week. How to I start to work on getting her back but not coming off desperate.

Start off with a memorable text of you two, similar to the ones in the guide. Keep things light and don’t mention problems about relationship. Try to develop a friendship first and dont rush things too soon. Let it be her idea to get back. Stay cool.

i planned on talking to her in person but my biggest fear is coming of as desperate or “clingy”. i want her to want me and make the effort to talk to me. i just don’t know the best to do that any suggestions?

And if she wants to “experience college without me” how do I keep her around but not interfere with that ?