Reached out after completing no contact...what to do next?

Here’s our background story: My ex-boyfriend and I dated for over 9 months. We are both in our mid 30s. We were doing long distance (2 hr plan ride) and saw each other every 3-4 weeks (taking turns). In the beginning he pursued me hard because he loves the chase and because I fit what he’s looking for in a partner. He is the typical player that liked to sleep around but he said he’s done playing and wants something more serious (even though he still has commitment issues). He also has a very demanding work schedule, works insane hours and only gets 4 (not consecutive) days off a month. He used to fly up to see me after working overnight for 36 hrs, only to spend 24 hrs with me. I’ve never dated anyone I was crazy about (always dated men that liked me more) so after a few months I let my guard down and started spoiling him like crazy. I cooked for him constantly, mailed him care packages, bought him presents (I’ve never acted like this in my past relationships). We had a great relationship where we had incredible passion, laughed constantly and had fun around each other. While we were dating, he called me every night without fail despite his crazy work schedule (until I went away for a month overseas). However sometimes we would fight about women from his past reaching out to him still, or other men around me, or me wanting more time and attention from him. I would pick fights because I miss him a lot but he always reassured me and said he believes in us. But I did feel I wanted more than he was able to give me. He is self-centered and always prioritizes work over me (which I’ve accepted), has a huge ego, but is insecure and very possessive. I went away overseas for a family matter and we talked less, mostly because our schedules didn’t match up. Then I flipped out on him the day before I flew back to the States because he didn’t call me, the fight escalated and he broke up with me. He said he’s been depressed because he feels like all he does is work (doesn’t exercise, see friends or family), and the extra stress was too much. I was stunned, didn’t see it coming and made all the mistakes I shouldn’t have. Before he dumped me, I never called him first but afterwards I called, texted, cried, begged for another chance even though he was lukewarm, and said he’s made up his mind. Clearly he was not a good communicator about his feelings during our relationship.

Then two weeks after I was back in the States, he flew to see me (after paying $1k for a last minute plane ticket despite his low salary) even though he insisted we were no longer together. We had a fantastic weekend, since I managed to not break down. We acted like we were together and still called each other honey etc. Because I was so calm, he told me some things that he had thought about leading up to the breakup that he never expressed. He said I spoil him too much, he takes me for granted, and I let him get away with everything. So he feels bored, and not challenged. If he stayed with me, he would become complacent, gain 20 lbs because I would not care. When he came up for the weekend he didnt bother getting his haircut to try and look good for me whereas he would have in the past. Meanwhile he said I look incredible for him. He knows I love him, but he said he’s concerned that after 9 months, he hasn’t said he loves me. He thinks he could love me but he’s not sure. Also, he doesn’t see himself getting married anytime soon in general and he thinks he’s too immature to be selfless in a relationship. In my heart, after a few months I knew that I would marry him tomorrow if he asked. He said I’m an amazing girlfriend, would be an amazing wife and any guy would be lucky to have me. He also said that I’m everything he’s looking for in a partner: gorgeous, smart, loyal, sweet, witty so it’s hard to let me go. I told him that I was never myself in the relationship because I only let him see the side of me I thought he wanted to see (never let him see my negative traits like being impatient etc). And I overdid things, was exhausting myself and could never have kept it up if we weren’t long distance. So I asked to start over again and let me show him who I truly am. He asked if that’ll really work, because he doesnt want to waste more time, so he didn’t want to give me an answer right away and wanted to think about it. Before he left he said he’ll miss me a lot and wants to come see me again. We made plans to spend his birthday together at the end of September. I still have his apt key and he has my belongings in his apt. Then after he got home, he texted me to say “Had an amazing time with u this weekend” and I replied “Next time you had better step up your game! None of this overgrown bush and same old shirt business :P” And he responded “Yes ma’am”

Of course I was so heartbroken and started reading everything on the internet on how to win him back. And from that day forward, I started no contact. I cannot believe I managed to hold it together for 30 days and not reach out to him but having hope helped. I went on a few dates, went to ballet more, lost a few lbs (being heartbroken helps), bought some new clothes, went on a weekend trip with girlfriends where I posted innocent photos of me having fun with guys and girls on Facebook.

On the 31st day, which was yesterday I texted him and said “I just tripped and nearly twisted my ankle walking. And I didn’t even have a double scoop at dinner:P” (On one of our dates, I made him buy me two scoops of ice cream and later walking home, I tripped while wearing heels and he blamed it on the 2nd scoop of ice cream). He texted back immediately “Who told u to wear high heels?” And when I didn’t respond after a few mins he said “U ok though?” And I replied “You would have no complaints if you saw me in person. But I see your bedside manner hasn’t improved” (He’s a doctor) Then he replied “Puuulease…U can always teach an old dog new tricks.” I didn’t write back because I wanted to control the conversation and had no idea what he’s talking about.

My dilemma is this, according to the plan (from various sources online), I’m suppose to text him a series of fun, positive things to remind him of our happy memories, make him jealous, compliment him, etc spaced a few days apart before I actually call him to ask to meet up. However I have his work schedule for September (he emailed it to me the day he dumped me) and I know he’s off this weekend, and also his birthday weekend at the end of September. I really miss him and want to see him this weekend. I’ve been really tempted to call him right away and there’s a good chance if I ask he’ll fly to see me or tell me to fly to see him. But do I have a better chance of getting him back for real, if I stick to the plan and send the series of texts over the next 2 weeks and wait 3 weeks to see him? And do you think I have a chance at all when he hasn’t reached out to me during no contact?

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for your advice.

Does anyone have any thoughts on my chances? Also I got really sick last night and went to urgent care. I came very close to texting/calling him for help since he’s a doctor, but the plan says to keep contact subtle/fun/positive, and me sounding like i’m on my death bed is probably not going to make me seem desirable?

Thanks again and I really appreciate any feedback.

Well signs tell me you are ready to begin the testing phase to rekindle a connection, I hope it works.

Here’s what I used again, started to get results but I think my ex decided on “friends” so I’m back to no contact. Led to her starting to initiate texts with me though! So that was a plus.

First text
Send- “you know what you should do!?” He will respond “what!? Or no, what!?” Right away, mine did within 3 minutes (good sign). Wait 30-60 minutes before responding! You MUST wait this time. He will be checking his phone like crazy here. Then cleverly tell him to do something that you did together, a positive memory, and say that it was a good time. For example, my ex was at the airport, I knew she was traveling… I said You should go get a caramel apple, before boarding the flight, it made our trip so much better. She smiled, laughed, and then asked about me.

This conversation needs to be short, 6-7 exchanges, and you have to leave it first. Tell him you’ve got a movie or something to get too, perfect excuse.

**** next text wait 2-3 days after the first (even if he contacts you here)
Send- “you’ll never guess what happened!?” Here is where you tell him a short story about something that specifically made you laugh. Continue the conversation, keeping it short. The story can be ridiculous and even ermmm, made up if you want. Doesn’t matter as long as it’s interesting. Leave again after 7-8 exchanges.

**** WAIT now 1 day**** ignore if he responds in that day.
Then send a text going a little deeper, but don’t expect a response.
This is the radar-smile text, a little bit more sensitive. But don’t be needy.
You’re trying to dive deeper here, make more of a connection.
“I said I had this song your nephew sang in my head, remembering how we cuddled listening to it, and laughing. Made me smile :)”
She didn’t respond to this right away because she was actually on vacation with that nephew (and I knew that she was), but a few days later she sends me a video of his birthday with him singing that song.

After those texts, she initiated with me a short chat a few days later. She seems concerned with my life, and how I am doing, but I was told to let go as she only seeks friendship.

Sorry I can’t be more of help with furthering the process. I was doing good up until Monday.

Thanks so much for your reply! I love your ideas. How do you know your ex only seeks friendship? It sounded like you were on the right track. Did you call her to set up a time to meet?

Here are the texts I drafted the past week with things that happened to me that reminded me of him. I plan to incorporate some of your ideas with them. Can you tell me which texts are good and in which order to send them?

  1. It’s pouring and I’m stuck under an awning without an umbrella. And my phone is dying. Your exceptional planning skills must be rubbing off on me. (On our first date, he asked his male friend which bar to bring me but the bar was far, it started raining and he didn’t have an umbrella so we crowded under mine, and his phone died so I had to look up directions. He’s not a planner and I am)

  2. I was just at a Yankees game and was fuzzy over the rules with strikeouts. You are fired as my teacher and I need a refresher course. (He brought me to my first baseball game and taught me the rules).

  3. I’m at Helen’s wedding and Sugar just came on. Wish you were here to boogie down with me (fully clothed of course)! (We danced to Maroon 5’s Sugar in the bedroom in our underwear).

  4. I’m in my panties and these men dropped down the side of my apt to clean my windows! What happened to an advanced warning? (One day he came home from work early without warning and I was about to shower but then I ran into the kitchen to check on the oven for dinner, and he caught me naked in the kitchen).

  5. I’m driving to nyc and wish you were here in the car so we could continue the drive back from charleston part II (Let’s just say we got frisky). So here I know he has to drive to Charleston today to pick up his computer, so I could write you know what you should do!?..and then say something like “Pretend I’m in the car when you’re driving back from Charleston and…” (Is that too risqué for an early text)?

  6. Ugh bad luck I’m at an urgent care facility and I have an interview tomorrow. Why do I always get in trouble? (no related memories but he’s a doctor so he might be concerned but it’s not a positive text to send?).

It’s been 4 days since I texted him about me tripping and even though he responded positively he hasn’t reached out to me first :frowning: Thanks again for any advice!

Wait! You are in NYC? Me too. Lol. Let’s be miserable together.

You know your ex the best. And what will work for you. All I know is what people have told me now to move on, after she last text me Monday, Tuesday morning came and she emailed a friend, that at the beginning the break up was hard, but now she’s doing better, and that it was the right thing to do. Maybe she didn’t want to worry her friend she hadn’t seen, and was going to be spending the weekend with at a wedding. Maybe she is still having doubts. Regardless. Nothing in our conversation has said “let’s get back together” so I will wait.

I like texts 1-3. Use one of my hooks and then wait to respond like I said. The suspense will kill him! And he will respond right away.
With the you’ll never guess what text, you can make that a phone call too. Say I have something to tell you, do you mind calling me? He might! This is perfect.

Text 4 and 5 are honestly a bit much right now. I’d refrain from using these. Unless he initiates some sexual conversation later.
Text 6 is a borderline emotional and doesn’t really serve a purpose right now.

Looks like you’re ready to send another, being 4 days.

Send You know what you should do!? “Give me the rules for a strikeout again, I’m at a Yankees game now (true they are playing the Rays at 1pm) and could use your expertise.” Boom done.

Ha we should get together and commiserate! My friends are sick of hearing about this and just want me to move on. You are so disciplined. I would take her email with a grain of salt. People say all sorts of things depending on who we’re talking to and don’t mean what we say half the time. The fact she is initiating contact means she misses you. I’m not sure how old you are, but at my age, I don’t need more friends so I would not initiate contact with a member of the opposite sex unless there was a purpose.

And I thought of one more text. I’m in the hamptons this weekend and I could text him “I’m in the hamptons and the ocean here is warmer than tybee island beach! No water bottle needed to get you wet…I would totally dunk you in the water if you were here.” (He brought me to tybee beach a few months ago and we just laid on the beach bc the water was cold. But i sprayed him with water from my water bottle and threatened to dunk him in the ocean, but stopped bc he said don’t you dare.) I could take out the part about the water bottle and just say I’ll dunk you in the water?

I plan to use the wedding text#3 next Sat bc I’m going to another wedding then. So I want to use text #1,2 or the beach one this weekend. Should I send the baseball one (as you edited it thanks!) today, and the beach one Monday?

thanks again! Having a fresh, male perspective who understands my pain is a great help to my plan :slight_smile:

I’m 30 lol.

You’ll know what message is best to send, just add my hook and the wait time of an hour between first text and response and you’ll see its magic.
He will check his phone constantly and wonder what it is you’ll be sending for an hour… When it’s light and fun, he will be in a good smiling mood.

Wish I could text my ex today, but she’s at a wedding that we were supposed to go to in Chicago and I’m away from the city on business.

Sucks. But you’re taking all the right steps!

Hi Wondering, I read your post recently and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve followed all the steps and you feel like it’s a lost cause :frowning: However it’s only been 8 days and I’m sure at some point she’ll miss you dearly and reach out to you. How did reconciliation and meeting up go?

I texted my ex this past Saturday for the 2nd time and this is what happened. Keep in mind I was really busy with friends so I took awhile to respond. He also has read receipt on his phone so I know he responds promptly when he reads my messages though he was taking awhile too so hopefully he wasn’t busy with another girl :frowning:
Me: “You know what you should do?”
Him (maybe half an hr later): “What could that be?”
Me: (an hr later): “Give me the rules for strikeouts again! I’m at a Yankees game now and could use your expertise”
Him (immediately): “OMG…I knew u were not paying attention!!”
Me (an hr later): “Bc I was not rewarded for my good behavior so I need a refresher course!”
He read my message half an hr later and no response :frowning: I should have asked him a question instead like ‘What does that say about my teacher?’ Sigh

So I tried again on Monday and this went a little better though still not ideal. I was also really busy with friends:
Me: “I’m in the Hamptons and the ocean here is warmer than tybee beach… photo of beach No water bottle needed to spray you…I would just dunk you directly :P”
Him (immediately): “First off…We went on a cloudy day. Second…Are u sweating now?” (He likes to tease me bc I don’t fare well in hot weather)
Me (20 mins later): “Not after I drag you in the water!”
Him (immediately): “What u going to be wearing if u drag me into the water?”
Me (20 mins later)": “Wouldn’t you like to know? I have it on right now ;)”
Him (immediately): Take a pic
Me (10 mins later): What’s my reward?
Him (immediately): A pic
Me (30 mins later):Of…
No reply from him. At this point he had already fallen asleep. He sleeps early bc he wakes up early for work and he didn’t read my message until the next morning.

The positive is that given the last exchange he’s not friend zoning me? The negative is that he stopped responding to me twice and clearly he knows I’m thinking about him but he hasn’t reached out first at all.

I plan to use the wedding text#3 this Sat night while at another wedding:
3) I’m at Helen’s wedding and Sugar just came on. Wish you were here to boogie down with me (fully clothed of course)! (We danced to Maroon 5’s Sugar in the bedroom in our underwear).

Then I may use text#4 next Monday night (by using you’ll never guess what happened?! and asking him to call me) and then asking on the phone to see him that weekend for his birthday:
4) I’m in my panties and these men dropped down the side of my apt to clean my windows! What happened to an advanced warning? (One day he came home from work early without warning and I was about to shower but then I ran into the kitchen to check on the oven for dinner, and he caught me naked in the kitchen).

Should I send him another text tonight or tomorrow night in between Sat night’s text? If so I was going to use one of these:

  1. It’s pouring and I’m stuck under an awning without an umbrella. And my phone is dying. Your exceptional planning skills must be rubbing off on me. (On our first date, he asked his male friend which bar to bring me but the bar was far, it started raining and he didn’t have an umbrella so we crowded under mine, and his phone died so I had to look up directions. He’s not a planner and I am)

  2. I left half a pint of ice cream in the faculty lounge freezer and came back to an empty container! The same rat infesting Savannah must have migrated up north angry face (He bought me a pint of ice cream that I was really excited about once and then ate it all, but didn’t know what to do so left the empty container in the freezer hoping I wouldn’t notice. I got really mad at him. Another time he bought me my favorite fruit tart and said the last piece was mine but then only left me crumbs. I called him out on it and he said there’s a rat problem in his apt) Or I could save this text for next Monday night and ask him to call me after saying you’ll never guess what happened?

Any thoughts on my plan? Do you think I have a shot and am I on track? I’ve been on some other dates but it’s just not the same. I miss him so much and really hope that he will give us another chance to start fresh.

Thank you again!