Question about ex girlfriend / nc rule

Confused, I’ve done NC before with success, I get the premise and the point. Here is my dilemma. I was in a relationship with a girl for about 3 months, everything was great. In fact the day before things went south I spent the night, sex, etc.

FWD to two days we were supposed to go out on this day. We got into an argument over something super stupid (my doing). This was all over txt messages (stupid). Anyway, we had agreed to meet up in a few days and talk. Well, a half-drunk me decided to send her a ‘forget it’ txt in the middle of the night to which she responded fine, it’s over… I then passed out.

I woke up realizing what I had done and apologized, she wasn’t having any of that (don’t blame her). I then, unfortunately tried bargaining with her, I wasn’t to the point of begging but close. She refused to meet up to talk. I let her cool down for a few days and sent her a feeler txt about 4 days later. We chatted back and forth she says she is still attracted to me but it is torn on reconciling (her exact words were ‘confused’). I left it at that, didn’t beg but did give her a heart felt apology. This was 4 days ago.

I’ve done NC before with success, so right now that’s my mindset. I give her some space and time without me in her life and let her figure out what she wants. So who breaks the NC since we kind of both broke it off with each other?

** I did not tell her I was half drunk when I sent that txt, do you think I should mention that?


Never talk to someone when you’re drunk. Texting about serious matters isn’t a great idea as things can be misconstrued. Texting is okay for short light conversations, but the best way to communicate with a girlfriend is to talk in person or on the phone. You can break the no contact in about 3 weeks. Do it on the phone or in person if she will meet up with you. You can tell her you had been drinking when you sent the text, but assure her you’re not an alcoholic (I hope you don’t have a drinking problem, but if so, don’t get in a relationship until you’ve resolved it!). You have to understand that arguments are a major cause of breakups and you should avoid petty ones. Good luck…