Positive post this does work :)

Well 4 weeks ago my life, so I thought, was over! My ex of 10 years and I ended things on mutual grounds in jan.
we stayed close and got on really well as friends, the he dropped a bombshell out of the blue saying he was dating a new girl.
Well I hit rock bottom and wanted to give up.
But I was determined that this guy was the one and that I was not going to walk away without fighting for my man.
Eventually after 6 weeks his new relationship ended. He was upset and confused by his feelings but coz I still loved him I stood by him. Some people might find that strange me listening to the man I love being upset about another girl but like I said I wasn’t ready to give up even though he said he loves me and cares for me but not in love.
So fast forward to now and although his head is still a mess of mixed feelings, we are doing everything that we would do in a relationship, we just haven’t stuck a label on it.
Things are going slow and I let him set the speed and once he has he’s head and feelings clear, we will try again.
So I fought for my man and didn’t give up and we are as close as we where when we originally started dating.
So this really does work but u have to have the patience and willpower to hang in there. It takes time but it can work
Thanks Kevin :slight_smile: