Please read my story and let me know how long I should wait

So it started out I met her on fb right after I prayed to meet someone right for me. She was on the top friends on chat when I opened my eyes. We started talking and hit it off. I went to her work and stayed her whole shift and hugged the first day in the rain. After we hung out a lot . We went hiking, watched movies and played video games while cuddling on the couch. I told her I liked her and got friend zoned but I never gave up. We kept hanging out and cuddling more. One day we started talking about sexual stuff that at the time I thought we were joking. The next day she came over again but this time we decided to watch the movie on my bed. During it she just started taking her clothes off. I’m a very nice guy and Christian and she knew this so sex is sacred to me. So we did everything but the p in the v. She always said she was fine with the fact that I wanted to wait longer to go all the way. After we did stuff, I said we pretty much had to be in a relationship or we can’t do that anymore. A week of convincing her went by and on the Friday she said yes and slept over my house. Sorry about getting graphic but I have to because it’s a huge part of this story. So we even slept naked all the time together. It got to the point where we would do everything together and she would sleep over like everyday. We would always have deep talks with each other that ended with me having happy tears. We even said that we loved each other everyday and a lot. I told her a lot about me including my childhood when my dad was mean and I want to grow up to be the opposite and how I have OCD that makes me do things in a certain way in a certain number of times and she even saw me doing this. She would say I was the nicest guy ever all the time. I would always buy her presents and even stay at her work the whole time to give her company. I even went to her classes with her and gave her confidence to go to an exam she woke up late for. Now onto the break up. She came over again we went to the post office came back did sexual things. After she went on my fb because I said it sucks and there’s hoes on there she got mad at me because of that I said idk who they are and started erasing them. She said I don’t have to and that she’s sorry. I said they were also there to get movie views because she knew I make movies and we even watched them together. After we went to get ice cream. We came back and went in the hot tub. After did more sexual things. This part makes no sense to everyone and gets graphic. She told me to cum in her at the end of that time I told her I still wanted to wait a little longer to go that far so we came at the same time using other methods. This is where it makes no sense. As soon as we’re done like in seconds she randomly grabs my phone and finds the app hot or not in the back of my phone. I told her I forgot it was there because my OCD would give me anxiety when I went on those pages. By it was a virus for meet me she clicked on it and it went to the internet and said download. So I told her see its a virus and hot or not is nothing I know couples that have it to laugh at it together. She instantly puts her clothes on says were done and runs outside. It’s midnight on Friday the 13 and pouring rain. She starts driving I’m chasing after her in my boxers and freezing she pulls over and says she might call later. She did said she forgave me didn’t say she loved me and hung up. The next day said I was a piece of shit, an asshole and a disgrace to humanity. When I was never mean and just kept saying I didn’t do anything and I love her. The next day I bought her roses, a card and a hundred dollar necklace. I went to her work with it and she said get the fuck out of here. I went home cried picked up my friend justin and we cried together. She texted so crazily that day I had to make my friend use my phone when I told him what to say. She got mad when he said how am I cheating on you if we never had sex yet? She got mad and said why the question mark because apparently I don’t use those. I texted back and said you know what I mean the p in the v. It got so bad that day it ended with me saying I should kill myself for her because her happiness is the only thing I care about so if I’m making her sad than that’s how it could stop she even got mad at that. The next day I went back to her work she actually talked to me I cried my eyes out and she said she forgave me and loved me again. She even accepted the gifts. That night we had a phone call and said we loved each other again. The only bad part of the phone call is I said I was a little scared to watch her pets when she went on vacation so she doesn’t just use me for that. She said she won’t and I said I trusted her and that I will watch them. The next day at work she texted me and said why did My sister unfriend her on fb I said idk I can talk to her she just saw me crying. Then she ignored me for the next week and started erasing pics of us on fb. She texted my sister back and not me then My sister said just go to her house. I did and she broke up with me said get the fuck out and her parents threatened to call the cops and shoot me because apparently I threatened her I said I didn’t do anything I love her and left. The next 2 weeks went by I tried to get her back with a text. She refriended me on fb. Then she saw I went to the bar with a friend he posted getting my boy back in the game not me. And that I added like 3 girls on fb. She posted a status saying I was an asshole. I texted her and said she can even text my friend I just kept him company at a bar and added friends cause he told me to. She said she was gonna drop off my stuff the next weekend and that she’ll call the cops if I went to her house or work. I didn’t text back because everyone told me not to. She admit she got guys numbers the week she ignored me and went to college. Then the day when she dropped off my stuff my family said I should leave my house so I don’t see her because if I did that day it would be worse. So my whole family left she texted me and said she’ll key my car and throw my things everywhere if I wasn’t home. My family said don’t text back because if she did we can call the cops on her. I came home and she dropped off everything I ever gave her including love notes from day one. I texted her sorry again and we became friends for the next week. I asked her if she wants to go on a bike ride let me know and she said vice versa. Then later in the week she kept texting me and saying she was hanging out with a lot of guys. So I asked about that bike ride and she said she didn’t think that will happen anytime soon so I sent another big text trying to get her back again. She ignored me for another week then said don’t text her. Then she started viewing all my snapchat stories and we started posting them as if talking to each other. She said meet her on the bike path in a story as a response to mine. So I went on there with my bike but when I got close to her I saw she was with her mom and turned away from me when I got close so I just rode past them. I got home texted her hi. She sent back don’t text me. Then I sent a big one saying I’m always there for her. 2 months after the break up now her bday came up I texted her happy bday with a pic of a ruby necklace I was going to give her. She said thanks and she felt bad I still had it. And we texted nicely the whole day. The day after at 3am I texted her a nice good morning so she would see it when she woke up. But she was still awake and texted back that she was tired of me making her feel deevaluated just like the whole time we went out. And that I should just take the porn dating apps and all the girls I cheated on her with and leave because she saw on snapchat that she was second friend now. I flipped out and sent a huge text I never did anything and she destroyed me. I said that girl on snapchat was only 1st friend because she just said what’s up and my ex didn’t talk to me anymore. I also said I should prob block her number because were just going to go back and forth. She sent back fuck you I’m blocking you first. She did. I was never able to block her. A week later I used my friend Justin’s phone to say sorry for that. We got no reply. Now it’s 2 months after that last text and I got a new iPad I’m debating sending a message saying sorry for everything and that I still love her and explain even more how I never did anything behind her back. So my question is should I even send a message because everybody I know including a friend thats like a counselor and therapist said I was in an abusive relationship and she’s nuts. But I still love her. And my other question is if I send it when should I? should it be now or soon or should it be in like months or something because I even went on lawyer websites and asked about the legality of it the answers I was getting were maybe one text isn’t bad and she did block me so nobody knows what she’s capable of. Technically she could try to call the cops for a restraining order for harassment if she’s that nuts and if they’ll believe her . So she’ll need proof apparently phone company’s erase texts within 10 days but nobody knows if she still has them on her phone or not even though they were never mean I guess she might be able to say their annoying her. So some lawyers because of this said maybe wait something longer like 6 months to see if you even want to send it still. Idk if that’s to long or to little to wait for love and for the law. My Christian friends say keep praying to make sure it’s god that wants me to send it , not the other side because before the break up I had nightmares about the break up and songs on the radio were about it. Now I just prayed about to send it or not last week and every song I put in the text played on the radio in order with no commercials. And the dreams of her are coming back when I sleep again. What do you think I should do. Move on or send the text soon or like months later if I still want to.

To be honest … Your relationship doesn’t sound healthy at all… Though i know how heartbreak feels like and its kind of hart to act rational in these sort of situations… i think you should stay away from contacting her for quite some time for these reasons:

  1. Even though it will be hurtful, you will evetually not hurt as bad, and will be able to think about the situation more clearly, maybe you will se her for what kind of person she really is
  2. She cant have time to miss you if u are always there apologizing and seeming desperate, so its better to do No contact for a while and see what happens after that … At least a month or two … But i know that is hard, try to make positive changes in ur life during this time

Btw im not really in any way an expert of these sort of things, this is just my honest opinion, how long were u together?

We hung out and stuff for like 3 months first then our official relationship was like a month and a half. Now I just found out she changed her fb status to in a relationship sept. 8. So it’s either real or fake if its real that means she found someone else and is with them already while only knowing them for 6 days first because that’s when her school started. What should I do

I went NC for almost 2 months now and apparently her Facebook says she is with someone else since sept.8 that she would have met in college for just 6 days before that. It took me 3 months to go out with her though while trying to convince her as well. What should I do should I send that iPad text or go NC even longer and just try to move on