I’ve posted before and everyone is extremely helpful. My ex and I recently broke up. I texted him constantly and called him begging for him to take me back. I thought this was the right thing to do. Eventually he told me that he wouldn’t want to talk to me at all if I kept this up. So I laid off. It was extremely hard. I found this website and it was super helpful. I want him back more than anything. I’m really struggling with no contact. I have him for my second class and he always walks me to my third. I want him back more than anything. He always tells me “I love you but I’m not in love with you” “if I ever fall in love with you again I would want to be together” “I just see you as a friend” he texts me and turns to talk to me. Please help. He said he broke up with me because I was too clingy and sensitive. Sometimes he will sit and tell me I mean so much to him. Other times he will tell me he doesn’t think about me or he doesn’t picture himself with me at all. I have accepted the fact that we broke up. No contact is super hard. I want him to take me back. I don’t obsessivly text him anymore and I haven’t called him. I’m taking the first steps and not showering him with compliments, trying to pity him into taking me back, and not being sad all the time. I am composed around him and I feel like, because of this, he is talking to me more. Everyone tells me that we will get back together. Please help! No contact advise!! Any advise!!! Everyone please please!!! Thank you!! Don’t hold back! I feel horrible ignoring his texts. He also hates talking about his feelings or about the relationship. Every time we talked about it he just said he didn’t want to be with me
That he fell out of love with me
That he just sees me as a friend
That he doesn’t think about me.
Then why does he text me and still talk to me? How do I do no contact? How can I make him mine again? He told me I made him happy and he still thinks I’m beautiful!
He’s so confusing! I need all th advice so please ask around too!!
I am also self confident and composed now. I’m not sad around him! I have the acceptance!
Its a cyclic thing when dealing with this breakup experience. I went two days with NC and when my ex who we mutually broke things off called me I resisted for two days then today I couldn’t be strong enough to not answer. I talked with her about the amazing chemistry we had and the great times we had together and she acknowledged that these things are true bit also said she had to focus on finding work to provide for her son and help support her mother who she now lives with. We are both in our early thirties and she is having a hard time in life. I accept that when I talk about getting back to get her her response is that she doesn’t plan on it but she has hope for it. I want so badly to call and just hear her voice. We went from being so close to everything in free fall in the space of one week. I have done the obsessive calling, the showering of affection and even the panic response to learning that she went hiking with another man who she has been friends with for years to help him deal with a PTSD attack he was having. I flipped out completely and she said she didn’t want to tell me because it would upset me. The bottom line is that it is a personal challenge to find the self control to not engage in contact with a familiar person we still have feelings for. The secret is that in the two days I didn’t reach out to her it made her reach out to me when I ignored her first call I had a sense of empowerment when I did that. The and distance provide clarity and personally growth. I pray that this will be true for you and your ex and that reconciliation happens when its the right time. Good luck and we all have your back here. Its hard to be strong but not impossible.
Thank you so much @deepthinker81 . I am praying for you too. When I don’t text him, he usually texts me. I recently found out he also deleted me on xbox, i shouldn’t be hurt over this, but I am. I hope I havent made a mistake by asking him if he did.