please help me to do the right things

i was in a relationship with my ex for three years, i loved her so much and we were going well, she lives in a different state, in the last six months i had very bad things happening in my life which didn’t let me travel and see her while she was always asking me to go and see her, until she knew new friends, since that time she started to change, i started to ask to go see her but she always made excuses and she delayed it, until last week she texted me saying she doesn’t love me anymore and she realized we are so different, anyways i was shocked then i kept texting her but she didn’t answer, i stopped texting her for a week and then traveled to see her, i went close to her home then i texted her and asked her to see meet up, she told me she doesn’t want to see me here because she doesn’t want her parents to see me coz they are religious and don’t know about me, anyways she said asked me to follow her to uni by car and talk there, when we arrived to uni a was shocked that she has called one of her boy friends to protect her from me and she was saying how dare i went close to her home, (i really wanted to make it easier for her to meet up, that’s why i went close to her place). anyways then she said she doesn’t love me anymore and she wants it over, i am going to study in her state next semester, now i don’t know what to do and how to act ? i was thinking of getting in contact with her friends to organise a meeting between us but i don’t think that would fix it, i’m so confused and i don’t know what to do, please can you help me and tell me what to do to have her back again because i can’t imagine my life without her. this only happened few days ago.

Start NC immediately and follow the 5 step plan.she will forget the needy picture of you,the bad memories so hopefully she will begin to miss you.
Make positive changes in your life and concentrate on yourself it will increase your chances.

ok for how long? is one month ok ?

Yes 30-45 days would be ok. make sure to feel really happy and good with your life without her before you contact her.
Don’t stalk her at all.even though she may be doing nothing,but a simple photo of her can keep you from being happy.

i’m so worried that after NC time, she will refuse seeing me again, i’m kind of sure she will refuse seeing me, what do you think i should do about this ?

Don’t think about it too should work on yourself.
Did she block you on Fb or any other social media? did she block your phone number?
If you said yes to one of the questions,then you should continue NC for 2-3 months.
Its ok,you can get to talk to her if you follow the right plan.

no she didn’t do any of that, after wat happened the I texted her and I told her im coming to study in ur state in one month, is that ok if I text u and see if anything has changed? she said ok text but text only one time not more.

So its ok.go to her state then wait 1-2 weeks and text her.start with one of the text versions.don’t act needy and don’t say anything about the breakup or negative memories.let her see you are happy cool and confident.

ok do I show her I’m happy and doing well on snap chat stories or fb ?

You can do anywhere on socialmedia where she can see it.

ok thanks alot, I’ll follow the plan but do u think she will act positively after I contact her ? because I’m sure all of her friends gave their opinions about me and that would affect her negatively.

I don’t really know how she is gonna act,but i’m sure you will increase your chances this way.
Don’t worry about her friends or anything.focus on your life and you will feel better soon.

after i thought she completely living her life without thinking of me, i found out she opens my snap chat stories and sees them, is this a good sign that she still cares ? i did put a pic of my tickets to lady gaga concert to show i’m living my life normally, should i continue doing this to show her i don’t care ??? will this help to make her forget the needy pic of me ?

I know u guys may think I’m crazy because I’m happy because she only saw my snap chat stories but I feel much stronger than last week, I feel I’m getting stronger and stronger to face her with confidence after NC.i admit I get weak some times of the day but I thank god I have people like you to support me.

Come on,you are not crazy at all.and that’s a good sign.keep up the good job and show that you are really happy and you ruck LOL.

Again,no matter what she does,control yourself,and DO NOT stalk her at all.even don’t look at her so,and you will see a miracle :smiley:

You are doing great,best of luck :slight_smile:

Thanks alot I really appreciate ur comments, I don’t know why people who love with all their hearts should suffer while f*cking others have to play with us like that ):

Its ok,every thing will change :slight_smile:

yeh thanks alot a.z :slight_smile: I know u have been commenting for such a long time here, during this time have u noticed that the NC usually increase the chance to get together ? before breaking up my ex told me even if she thinks to get back to me it will be too late, I don’t know what she meant, but when I told her I’m going to Gold coast to study at her uni she said she will be doing a summer school there; then when I told her I will introduce myself to one of her friends at that uni she said that’s not a good idea because she wants it over and she doesn’t want connections between us. I honestly don’t know what she meant or how she thinks but today when I uploaded videos of my having fun with friends she checked them.

Tbh following Nc the right way is really important but not enough for should follow the next steps well.and I do think that it absolutely increases the chances.

the only thing i can use to show her i’m happy is snapchat, i’m showing that i’m having fun, going to the gym and living normal, anyone has any other ideas to show her how i am changing ? do u think me sending pics of me with other girl on snap chat is too much ?