PLEASE HELP!!! Having difficulty writing the Magic Letter

I NEED HELP WRITING THE SO-CALLED MAGIC LETTER. The examples I’ve seen seem to be primarily for people who did something to end a relationship. I have questions on how to write a letter based on my situation…

  1. Can I send a Magic Letter when she’s in a relationship with someone else?
  2. Is it too awkwardly late to say that I’ve accepted the relationship ending when I really had no say in ending it???
  3. How can I say we need space when I’ve been in the NC period since the end of January? Isn’t that “space” what we’re in???
  4. Aside from maybe pouring my heart out in one four-minute voicemail and a few (3 or 4) texts, I have nothing to apologize for - AND I kept them all civil and polite (no bitter outbursts, name calling, etc.)

See, I was introduced to a girl and we dated for three months. I was extremely happy - so happy, in fact, that people who knew me told me they had never seen me happier; she told me she was told the same thing. Anyway, after I introduced her to my daughter and took her to Thanksgiving with my family, she told me that she thought it was best for us to be friends for the time being, date other people, and see what happens. Within a week, she texted me that she was talking to somebody and didn’t want to hurt me.

I admit that I am grasping at straws by trying to reclaim that happiness she gave me - I’ve been on several dates with other women and they all have the same first strike against them: they aren’t her.

The last time I contacted her was at the end of January. Prior to that, she said that we were different people in different places in life (we are both unmarried and each have a young child); she said she felt that she pressured me into introducing our children and our families (she didn’t - I felt that after three months, it was the natural next step); she said she still cared for me; when I asked her to be honest with me about seeing my in her future, she said “I don’t know”; when I asked her if I had any chance at getting back with her, again, she replied, “I don’t know”; she went to Hawaii with this new guy, but in the few Facebook pictures she posted of them together the body language was off (this was pointed out to me by others… it’s not me trying to delude myself).

I don’t know if this is something to include in the letter or not, but at the beginning of January, we took our kids to dinner and then to see “Big Hero 6”. During the movie, she kissed me on the cheek, telling me later that she thought “it was the cordial thing to do” for picking up the dinner check. WTF?!?