My Ex-girlfriend and I were together for nearly 2 years and she left me to live her life. I understood her reasonings, but I really acted out because she was partying and raising her body count and then I gotten into a rebound relationship for 4 months. 3 months into it she messaged me and asked if we could talk in person, I complied. She begged and begged me that night but I told her no and for weeks she was miserable (Like a complete and total mess) without me. I left my rebound a month after that and the next day she messaged me and got with her again. The relationship was absolutely perfect for 3 months until I started acting out (Telling her everything that she was doing was wrong, kind of manipulating her unintentionally, and I wouldn’t say ‘Verbally Abusive’ but I wasn’t very nice, didn’t pay attention to her very much and messaged other women) and I drank a lot. She left and begged/cried for me to change and to prove her wrong. I told her not to give up on me and then the next day I saw she was partying with people she use to party with and I sent a very vulgar text message about how she “wasn’t the one for me” and “I should’ve never took her back” etc. I sent that message 4 days ago and haven’t contacted her since. I’ve been sober for 2 weeks and don’t plan on drinking again. I went back to the gym (me and her use to workout A LOT before the first split).
I regret sending that message and I’m beginning to realize what I did wrong.
What can I do to win her back? Any advice would be very appreciated! Thankyou!
I would recommend telling her that you regret everything that has happened and that you are going to work on yourself.
But do not respond to anything she sends you.
You both sound young and immature. Give her space by doing no contact so she can see what life is without you. If she feels worse off, she will contact you…
I find it strange that after 3 months she begged you to get back together and yet you said no. You had a rebound at that time, so it seems you were treating your ex only as an option. Then after you left your rebound, you got back together with your ex. You didn’t treat her with respect, but instead you were verbally abusive and even controlling by the things you said. Is it no wonder she left you again?
If you have a drinking problem, think about joining Alcoholics Anonymous. Also it sounds like you need anger management classes. It will take quite a long time to improve yourself and the way you interact in relationships. In the meantime, don’t contact her. Believe it or not, but she will be happier without you for awhile. Think about what’s best for her now and work on yourself so you can have a normal happy relationship someday with her or someone else.