Me and my boyfriend went on a “break” after an argument from then he wouldn’t really speak to me and I didn’t know where I stood for weeks so in the end I ended it for my own sanity. He had some personal issues going on but he wouldn’t communicate well with me so it was difficult for me to help.
I did the NC and he came back saying he was so sorry and he wants nothing more than to get me back. I felt really apprehensive about the situation as I knew he hadn’t properly sorted his head out so I was a little stand offish when I saw him, as I was scared to get hurt again (maybe I shouldn’t of been like this).
Because of that he has said I’m hard to read and I’m not affectionate- he has now gone distant and we haven’t spoken in 2 weeks.
He does have a lot going on in his personal life at the moment so I know I need to be careful by how I act but I am getting hurt and don’t know what to do? I feel like I have lost him again.
Any advice would be appreciated, I just don’t know where to go from here. I went on a date last night and I had to leave early because I got so upset, as I only want to be dating my ex no-one else.
Look forward to some advice