How long were you separated for and how long did you date prior to the break up?
Together for 3 months. He brought up exclusivity after 1 month. Broke up for 2 weeks.
It’s hard to say in that short of time, only because you didn’t give it enough time to really develop. Im a skeptic when it comes to people and I am speaking from a position with your interest in mind so take it as an internet friend giving you some advice, even if it’s not exactly what you wanted to hear.
I would recommend proceeding with a measured caution and even though he said he’s not using Tinder etc, people lie and he probably is/was to some extent too. I would remain relatively neutral for awhile. You broke up in what for most people is the honey moon stage and that is supposed to be the best part of the relationship which is also slightly unusual. I would give the relationship some time to develop before jumping back into a full on “let’s live together and get a dog” type situation. There’s nothing wrong with proceeding with caution.
Again, Im just saying this with your interests in mind.
Good luck
Thanks internet friend!
There’s no talk of dog and moving in. So it’s all good. Ha.
Like o said… Maybe he felt “oh shit… this girl is awesome. Am I really ready for marriage?!” Even though we aren’t even CLOSE to that. But that’s the impression I got when he said he was “freaking out”.
I forgot to congratulate you on getting back with your guy! I’m glad you guys talked and were able to work some things out. I just hope, for your sake, he’s been genuine about his feelings. Good luck!
Thank you!!
Things are going well; it’s been 6 days. He opened up to me last night… said the “Boyfriend” word among other things. However, I think he sees I’m still hesitant on REALLY letting my guard down. I wonder if this is something I should express to him. He’s like “do you really think I don’t like you/want to spend time with you?”. I said my gut is saying it’s “80/20”.
Do you guys think I should talk to him about how I’m feeling? I sort of shut down last night… but I think it’s important to be open about this stuff. Or should I let him pursue/prove to me that this is what he wants?
Your story gives me some hope. My ex bf broke up with me two weeks ago tomorrow. I pleaded with him for one day and called him once. He texted me back saying that in order to get through this we had to stop communicating for now. So I am not sure if he said that so I would stop bothering him…I have not contacted him since then. It has been so difficult. Your story gives me hope but then my fear gets the best of me and I feel I will never hear from him, ever. I guess all I can do is leave him alone and hope he reconsiders. Your story made me smile for once since the breakup. I wish you and your girl much success in your relationship.
Your story is inspiring! I know you most likely don’t come on this forum anymore but can you tell us who broke up with who and who contacted who first? My ex broke up with me may 29…i have not contacted him since…I plan to do more than 30 days if need be…but if he does not get in touch I am afraid to do it…
@itworked4me thanks for giving your feedback, it would be a big help if you would give your input on my situation if you don’t mind.
Long story so please bare with me but its best you have a good understanding of the situation.
Around January I started talking to this girl from work & at the time she had a boyfriend. We started out as friends & it developed into a lot more & we got very serious. We would argue here & there but get over it before the end of the day.
She broke up with her boyfriend about 2 months ago because of me & because she wasn’t happy anymore. We both loved each other & would see each other 3-4 times a week, she would spend some nights at my house.
Her best friend “hates/dislikes” me because I tried to talk to her before & because she thinks I’m not good for her friend. One day we got into a argument & she told me she wanted space but I took that “it’s over”. She told me its just space so she could figure things out but I kept pushing & pushing & she blocked my # & Instagram. But then unblocked my Instagram the other day to them block me again (I didn’t reach out I just reached her 1 day & saw I was unblocked)
I don’t know what to do or think. I don’t want to give up on her because she loves me or did love me before all of this. The last time we spoke she said the closer I try to keep her the further she wants to be but I know she has feelings for me or did before all of this.
What do I do? Please help
Can you please read me story and tell me what to do???